"Illegal" question regarding small children.?

Recently, an illegal fellow from Mexico has been working for us. My grandchildren, 6, 4, & 2. think the world of him. He was just arrested after he was attacked for his money. The police arrested him, as well as those who attacked him. He is scheduled to be deported.

I think that the grandchildren should know the situation regarding "Carlos." Others in the family think not.

I feel that children are better off knowing what is going on. The 6 & 4 year old can understand what is happening to "Carlos." We are doing all we can to help him, but if he just disappears, won't the children be wondering about this?

The 4-year old is the one who would be most militant regarding deportation! She has a great affinity for what is 'fair' and 'unfair.' She would stand in a picket line with me!

Am I projecting my own feelings onto the grandchildren?


Carlos is like a family member. The 6 & 4 year old know that he is 'illegal,' They understand, in their own context, how someone can enter this country 'illegally.' The 2 year old just wants to give Carlos 'high fives' and 'pounds!'


Favorite Answer

Let em just go out and play...you stick to protesting government laws you don't like!


Sure, tell them what happened. Just make sure you tell them the truth, Carlos was deported because he ignored the laws of our country. They are never too young to learn that when you don't follow the rules, you have to face the consequences.


6, 4 and 2 is very young. You could just tell them he went "back home". The may be intelligent for their age, but children are not complex and become hurt and confused with "grown-up" information. They grow up fast enough. Help lighten their load instead of weighing them down with something they can't control anyway.


Children need to know that not everything is black and white and that any decision whether made with the best of intentions or otherwise, may affect others in a negative way.


Just say he went back to Mexico to be with his family. These children r too young to understand an adult issue of deportation.

He's illegal right, how will they understand that at their age?

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