What song would you recommend for a first time acoustic guitar player?


And I really mean first time..just today I learnt what frets are and I've had the guitar for like..more than eight months.. >.< Sighh...


I think I can manage patience and persistence.. >.<

Logan Serse2011-09-17T07:51:58Z

Favorite Answer

Endless Road - Tommy Emanuel


don't worry it's not too hard to play guitar, it just takes persistence. Do you know how to read tab? this is a video that shows how to read guitar tab: http://www.fuzzymonkeytabs.com/howtoreadtab.html

Here's a video teaching a simple version of Fur Elise by Beethoven: http://www.fuzzymonkeytabs.com/furelisesimple.html
And here's a video of a simplified version of the Super Mario Bros video game music:
http://www.fuzzymonkeytabs.com/mariosimple.html these are kind of long songs to learn, you'll just want to learn the first 5 or 6 notes of either of those songs and then after a couple days try to memorize 10 or 12 notes you can do it you'll just need to be patient with yourself


Plain White T's- Hey there Delilah. That was the first song I learned on the guitar :) It's easy and has a good tune!