Is anyone actually happy that the Muppets will host Raw on Halloween?

Hornswoggle wants to be on Raw with the Muppets on Halloween night. I for one, will have to skip watching Raw that night.
For me that will be an all time LOW for the wwe.
Will anyone else skip watching Raw Halloween night?


Favorite Answer

This is the reason why WWE is a joke now.

Watch TNA if your sick of the chiddy rasslin of the WWE.


Do you know why the WWE markets to kids?

Because the WWE thinks it's tapping into the wallets of the +45yo crowd. Now, it's true that older people who are in their 40's have more money than people who are in their 20's-30's. However, I don't think older people are as willing to spend as much money on Wrestling as younger people.

At the same time I think this is really bad for the TV ratings. Old people want to watch Mad Men and kids would rather watch the Cartoon Network.

Younger guys have more time on their hands to watch wrestling. They're also willing and able to spend a higher portion of their money.


After having Snookie Perform in wrestlemania, having Drew Carrey inducted into the hall of fame and Having John Cena win the WWE title again, this is basically just a scratch compared to the last disasters in WWE. I might watch it if nothing better is on tv though.


I actually am. I think it makes for a great comic oppurtunity for WWE and its Superstars. What's WWE without its comedy? And its the Muppets not Barney, adults can watch it too. But believe me I'm the PG eras biggest un-fan.

Am BeRa ZaN U™2011-09-20T19:34:42Z

no, i think i'll skip this RAW and read its spoilers, WWE is really becoming Kids friendly, screw anyone who is saying we're in the reality era, nothing has changed, only storylines are getting better,but outside of all that? nothing.

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