a scientific experiment can be conducted only in a laboratory true or false?

please help i need an answer quick!!

David D2011-09-20T21:10:08Z

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False, although some can only feasibly be done 'in the lab', a number can be done 'in the field'. for example the reactions the LHC was built to look at occur naturally in the upper atmosphere, the problem is that you can't really put precision detectors up that high so a device was build to reproduce those collisions on the ground.

Macy Murray2011-09-20T20:35:17Z

False. You could do an experiment anywhere, just as long as you are careful and review the saftey rules and follow the directions and have the right equiment. Basically, as long as you have what you need and are careful and follow directions, you don't have to have a special "lab room" or whatever.


It depends on the experiment. Some experiments need special equipment that needs a lab but you can do experiments without a lab.


False, they do it in jungles for petes sake watch Nova or National Geo

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