Adam and Eve historical event or conceptual story?

So, I have heard that science basically states that due to all the differences in DNA or something like that, that it is basically impossible for humans to have descended from two ancestors and that there must have been more than two humans on earth when people were first introduced. So, my question is, do you think we descended from Adam and Eve or is Adam and Eve merely a story of free will? Personally I am undecided.


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A little of both.
At some point, even if you accept evolution only, the first man and woman existed. That is history, though not fully documented nor known.
The rest of the story certainly is more about God revealing Himself to man than it is actual history.

the re - chosen one2011-09-21T02:26:10Z

I believe it is a historical event. I believe however that the God Yahweh made other human beings long before Adam and Eve and it was these humans who Yahweh blessed and told to go out and populate the Earth. I then believe that God created Adam and Eve separately from these people and perhaps at a much later time. In other words, First Creation = mankind and Second Creation = Adam and Eve.

N'awlins D'awlin2011-09-23T11:22:59Z

Modern science has confirmed that the human body is composed of various elements—such as hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon—all of which are found in the earth’s crust. But how were those elements assembled into a living creature?

Many scientists theorize that life arose on its own, starting with very simple forms that gradually, over millions of years, became more and more complex. However, the term “simple” can be misleading, for all living things—even microscopic single-celled organisms—are incredibly complex. There is no proof that any kind of life has ever arisen by chance or ever could. Rather, all living things bear unmistakable evidence of design by an intelligence far greater than our own.—Romans 1:20.

Can you imagine listening to a great symphony or admiring a brilliant painting or marveling at an achievement of technology and then insisting that these works had no maker? Of course not! But such masterpieces do not even begin to approach the complexity, beauty, or ingenuity of the design of the human body. How could we imagine that it had no Creator? Furthermore, the Genesis account explains that of all life on earth, only humans were made in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26) Fittingly, only humans on earth are capable of reflecting God’s creative drive, at times producing impressive works of music, art, and technology. Should it surprise us that God is far better at creating than we are?

As to creating the woman by using a rib from the man, where is the difficulty in that?** God could have used other means, but his manner of making the woman had beautiful significance. He wanted the man and the woman to marry and to form a close bond, as if they were “one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) Is not the way man and woman can complement each other, forming a stable and mutually nourishing bond, powerful evidence of a wise and loving Creator?

Furthermore, modern geneticists have acknowledged that all humans likely descended from only one male and one female. Really, then, is the Genesis account far-fetched?


Historical event. We did come from Adam and Eve.


It is no story.......Have you heard of the mitrochrondrial states that every human on earth can trace back there DNA to this one woman who lived 200,000 years ago....If this is true it definitely proves that whoever we are either chinese, japanese ,africans or arabians.....we are all cousins and have descended from the same ancestor who lived 200,000 years ago.......

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