Why ask only Christians to defend the Bible?

Jews, all other believing descendants of Israel, Mormons, and Muslims also consider the Bible a sacred book. I'm an equal opportunity defender/apologist. Why not ask them once in a while? Say 2/3 of the time?


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mormons ARE christian - and do defend the bible.....


Actually, only literalists are being asked to defend the Bible, because they're the only ones who have a position according to which the book is the perfect word from God. If you don't hold that position, there's not much point asking you to defend the Bible, since you don't regard it as infallible to start with. And this attitude towards the text is mostly found among fundamentalist Christians.

Jews have a complex system of interpretation according to context. Apart from a few sects, they're very unlikely to treat the Bible as a straightforward history book. Muslims regard the Bible as inspired, but corrupted. Mormons think the Book of Mormon supersedes the biblical text and don't believe in impeccable transmission either.


I bet you have a favorite book, too. Say whatever you like about the Bible, if you like, but you can't really force anyone else to defend their faith, you can just defend yours, and call attention to the things you don't like that they have done. Some of the things Christians and Jews have done are in the Bible, so criticizing those acts, and inconsistencies in the book are fair game.


Jews only accept the "Old Testament" part of the Bible, and Muslims do not accept that it has as much authority as the Quran. Christians accept the entire Bible as the Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17)

Therefore we are asked most frequently.


Since we are so rarely address to answer certain questions I offer our insight where I can. However, I can only answer so many questions per day, as my computer time is limited.

Since the bible was our book, written by our people, in our language and if not for Ptolemy few other than the Jewish people would have ever seen a bible. We do not understand why xtians think they have it all over us in biblical knowledge.

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