How long would this/these tattoo(s) take... to tattoo...?

I'm getting 3 Chinese characters (all three are kind of complex.. I can't post a picture but you can probably imagine what a complex Chinese character looks like) and I'm getting them as large as possible on the left side of my back, avoiding the shoulder area, but going down to the hips.

I'm 5'6 tall.

How long do you think it would take in total to get these three tattoos done?

Donald C2011-09-21T15:39:06Z

Favorite Answer

How about...
no time?
Don`t do it, Jen.
You look gorgeous now. When you are older, you will have all these markings, and be quite embasassed about it.
Imagine your mother with tattoos...your grandmother...your oldest female teacher...


Well since we can't really see how big or complex, it's hard to say. We also don't know the speed and experience of your artist or your pain tolerance (If you will need breaks) or anything. Tattoos can be pretty lengthy processes though. I got my third tattoo, a 3/4x5 ish tattoo the other day, a very simple fonted word with a couple of simple little stars, and it took about 30, 35 minutes. It Could take up to a couple of hours. If you're worried about it, you could get them in different appointments, one each time, or make a couple of appointments for all of them in general (all outlined one time, filled the next, etc). Go see your artist and they can help you better.

Good Luck!!

amber m2011-09-21T14:07:00Z

ForeverFiction is correct, listen to her. I mean the nice size demon that I have tattooed on my back took 5 hours and that was only line work and black shading.


It's a good idea, but may I suggest you get small intricate details in the heart like that because as you age it'll only get smaller. Maybe get the date put underneath or above the angel or increase the size of the writing.