Is their a current Church identified as Campbellites ?

Does any church identify with or acknowledge the role of Rev Thomas Campbell in their origin ?

Old Timer Too2011-09-22T05:12:15Z

Favorite Answer

Campbellite refers to any of the religious groups historically descended from the Restoration Movement, a religious reform movement in the early 19th century in the United States. The major groups are:

The Churches of Christ movement
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
The Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ
The churches of Christ (non-institutional)


The term is some time used in a derogatory manner--but the Church of Christ, the Christ Church and a few lesser known groups come from that movement of the two Campbell brothers. Some of the existing of these two named churches acknowledge the Campbells in their lineage. It was a trying time for the denominations involved--a growing period and some failed to accept the changes.



Christians being one of the monotheistic religions they preached gospel. What have been reveled to Jesus (peace be upon him) Is to be tough round at that time . However 300 year after he Ascension, Bible took a form as a book of books. By that time , lots of people try to preach message the way they have heard from previous generation. The message began to take its different form from what have been thought by the Messenger (Jesus), peace be up on him.Some people try to interpret the message differently, although their hearts were in the right place, but because they didn't know exactly. Others they new the message but they interpreted wrongly for the little worldly benefits.
So, today we have a book, which have been sent down to Jesus peace be upon him, with lots of contradictory interpretations. One of the very well known wrong interpreted passage, was Earth is flat. Early, 18 and 19 Century scientist began to question this. One of them paid even with his life challenging the church at the time. That was Galileo, very famous scientists of his time.
That was the time when church started to loos grip and become religion apart from sate. The Secular State was form wile religious people start to withdraw themselves to monasteries behind big walls.
The remnants of the real Christians can be seen today in modestly covered nuns as well as monks, still in monasteries. While they waiting for Jesus return, They refuse to marry and to reproduce, stating that the world around them has sunk deep in unholiness, "uncleanliness" and corruption.

-A splinter group away from Catholicism, to enable Henry The Eighth to divorce and/or kill his wives, as the Pope would not sanction an annulment for him.
-The Church of England, or Anglicanism, came about when the Catholic Church wouldn't let Henry VIII divorce his current wife. Henry declared himself the supreme head of the church in England, announced his marriage to be null and void, and subsequently established a church system separate from the papacy.

Robert Abuse2011-09-22T12:17:37Z

I think a lot became Mormons ... not sure though.

Edit: Disciples of Christ (Campbell Movement)


I'm sure there is.