how do millionaires live?

Please only answer if you are or know a millionaire.

How many days a year do you spend traveling?
How many days do you "work" (work is defined as doing something you dislike, or trading time for money)?
What do you eat every day?
Other than freedom from debt, what do you have and enjoy that people who are not millionaires cannot have?
Do you spend more time trying to spend your money or save it?
How much money do you spend to keep and protect your assets and lifestyle?
For those who do not have kids, do you intend to spend all of your money before you die?


The reason I ask this question is, not to be sour grapes, nor do I hate success, but I honestly cannot think of anything a millionaire has that I do not, and would want.

I am debt free, I eat, drink, be wherever I want almost whenever I want. I do not hate my job, and I do not worry about losing it. I have the time and money to travel at least once a year, the only thing I consider myself abnormally lucky on is my health, I do not worry that I may go bankrupt due to lack of health insurance.

Go with the flow2011-09-24T14:23:11Z

Favorite Answer

1 millionaire I know - owns a small apartment complex and a trailer park.
He started out with the trailer park.
The trick is, he bought everything in cash
Little by little, never making loans. And just collected rent.

He didn't travel. Too busy
Worked all the time.
Lived in a double wide himself
Funny - maybe he was rich - because he NEVER spent any money


Any way they want to live.
We stay home and care for our cattle most often. Once a year we take a two week vacation most likely on a mission trip to help others.
We are retired, working cattle is tough in the snow, or rain, or pulling a calf, etc., still, we would not be in the cattle business if we did not do well and love it.
We drink water everyday; we often eat free range chicken eggs from our flock. We enjoy home meals but love to eat out Italian.
The ability to help those in need, yet even the poorest can help someone in need.
We are frugal, tithe, and just use the money when needed.
Hmm, security (electricity for lighting and detectors), fencing, safe, safety deposit box, not much.
No children, have a will donating land, cash will cover the taxes for many, many years.

Success is not measured by your bank account, but by the kindness and love you extend to others.
Your life eternally depends on your belief in Jesus.

STEVEN F2011-09-24T18:38:51Z

MOST millionaires are small business owners that made their money over 3 or 4 decades. They haven't actually changed their lifestyle significantly from how the lived while BECOMING millionaires. People that 'act rich' don't stay rich.

Edit: Work is NOT defined as doing something you don't like. It is defined as doing something of value to others. MOST millionaires got that way by doing something they LOVE, that others of willing to pay them for.

Brett Wilson2011-09-24T15:35:25Z

My aunty and uncle are.

They travel a lot. My uncle does for business. My aunty does just for holidays. Probably 5 times a year if I had to guess.

Uncle works full time, aunty does not work.

I think they just eat like a normal family really.

They have a super huge house with nice pool, water features, tennis court, river at the front

Despite being rich, my aunty is also stingy. Always looking for a bargain. I think that side of her (from childhood) has always stayed, despite marrying a rich guy


Depends on the person but most are normal, hard working businessmen and women. They tend to the needs of the day to day business decisions and depending on employees or family members can take some time off for recreation.

They often live modestly until the business is considered secure and making a good profit.

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