Dear millionaires, tell me what I am missing?

I challenge anybody who is a millionaire to tell me why I need to be jealous or aspiring of what you have that I do not.

I am debt free, I do not hate my job.
I do not have kids, or alimony.
I regularly save the money I do not need.
I have the time and money to travel at least once a year.
I live in a quite neighborhood, no worries of extreme weather and little of crime.
I do not own a house, but for what I am saving aside, I can either buy one later or have enough to pay rent until I die.
I currently have no health insurance, but luckily I have never needed it.
I can eat and drink almost anything I want at a given time.
I have quality, drama free friends and acquaintances.
I have good relationships with my family.
I never intend to get married or have kids, as that would be a liability, not an investment.

Tell me, what do I want that you have?
What can't I buy that you can?


Yes, I am happy, I'm just told by people older and richer than me that I am in denial and nobody is allowed to be happy unless he is rich, I'm just checking to make sure that I'm actually missing something I should be losing sleep over.

STEVEN F2011-09-24T18:13:09Z

Favorite Answer

Anyone that has actually EARNED the title of millionaire will tell you that you SHOULDN'T be jealous. They will actually tell you that is MONEY is you primary concern, you are LESS likely to build wealth. Wealth is a SIDE EFFECT of spending less than your income. If you can find a way to earn money doing what you LOVE to do, and don't go crazy with spending, you WILL become wealthy without really trying.

In response to your additional details: Money doesn't make ANYONE happy. A rich jerk is just MORE of a jerk. I do believe those that have told me being able to give money away is fun, but that works on a small scale too.

Actually, you ARE missing something. NONE of the people telling you about millionaires are actually millionaires.


Ok I'm 13 and I currently own $13,000,000.

1. Get health insurance
2. Get a college degree and get a job that pays at least 100k a year, at least
3. Get a wife that was a job that makes at least 100k a year so u would have a 200k a year household income
4.invest in real estate, I bought a 2mill house in the Bahamas and my agent sole it for 3mill.
5. Put all your money in the bank, so u earn interest monthly
6. Invest in some stocks
7. Put money in an money market or certificate of deposit account


Aquarius Rising Pisces Sun Taurus Moon I'm paradoxical, touchy, materialistic, superficial, inconvenient and lazy. But at the shiny part I will also be empathetic, open minded, accepting, eccentric, persevering and light-weight hearted. The paradoxes are: in need of closeness in friendships then as soon as too near in need of freedom once more, hating liars however I lie extra instances than I would depend (I you ought to be as sincere as viable to those that I'm nearly), disliking sensitivity but I put on my middle on my sleeve every now and then, and too a lot more to call. I maintain plenty of matters to myself like feelings on the grounds that I do not desire to burden others with mine, so I false a grin to get via the day. But I love to play hero and make peoples day if they are feeling down. I say and do plenty of matters with out pondering. I love surprising others and getting a upward push from them. It simply entertains me, however typically I take matters too a ways. I'm beautiful pleasant. I deal with all people as an identical so long as they appreciate me. If we come to be enemies and so they desire a struggle, I deliver them a struggle. I will also be confident however have my pessimistic moments. As for the dislikes, ours are the identical. However, my favourite indicators are Scorpio, Capricorn and Sagittarius (:


I've never worked and never needed to.
My fortune comes from my family and, on the death of my parents, I was handed over all property, stocks and capital.
I spend most of my time at parties or in the company of fascinating people
I have a foundation set up for charitable causes, of which I participate in several global projects a year
If I really wanted to, I could just about cover the outlay and running costs of a private jet.

I have a son who makes me smile every time I look at him, and a wife I've been with for forty years that is at the very essence of my being. I would give away every bean for both of them.


"What can't I buy that you can?"
That is an easy one, right?

You are happy with your life, who cares about the rest?

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