Can your belly get big if you don't go number 2 regularly?
I wanted to know can your belly get big if you don't go number 2 regularly? and how can you fix that,like how can you go more often to help you would that. also i know foods can help along with drinks,what kind of foods and drinks? thank you.hope someone can help me with this question.and I need real answers not dumb rude mean ones.
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Thank you for posting your question. Yes, you can bloat. To prevent more serious and further complications, here are some remedies:
1. Hydrate 60 oz of non coffee type drinks; the least sugars, the better. Do this each day to prevent this. 2. Monitor medication you are currently, prescription and non prescription medications for stool hardening side effects, ask for a different prescription without this side effect, or ask your pharmacist about alternative medications. 3. Consume 5-7 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. 4. If you sit at a computer, frequently get up and stretch those ab muscles and get your body moving for 10 minutes. 5. For immediate relief and if you are NOT diabetic,or otherwise restricted on sugar, apple juice is an immediate remedy. Drinking 4 oz glasses every half hour for 3 hours will soften things up rather well and provide you the relief you require. 6. Taking a non prescription stool softener available at any grocery store pharmacy. 7. Heating pad on your lower tummy for 15 minutes, massage in deep slow round circles with a racket ball or your grouped finger tips will move things along and ease the discomfort. 7. Eliminating white flour breads, potatoes, and regular pastas will also help. These are basically glue that keep you from voiding properly.
Making well informed choices about your health is a great first step to living well!
To be more regular, try these tips -eat lots of fiber! This is found in whole grains and bran, vegetables, and seeds -drink lots of water. This softens your stool so it will pass easier -make sure to get enough magnesium in your diet. Take a supplement if you have to. Magnesium helps a lot in being regular -take a probiotic. You can also eat lots of yogurt for the same effect. This replenishes your gut with the good bacteria it needs to properly digest and metabolize what you eat -hot drinks can also sometimes help to get things moving. If you feel like you need to go, but aren't able to, have a coffee
you need to eat fiber. More whole grained bread, vegetables and fruits. You should go at leas t once a day. When John Wayne died and they found undigested waste in his colon. Yes it can build up and come up your throat. I know that is gross.
Yeah, it can. If you hold your poop or whatever it makes you bloated. Prunes help a lot. So do grapes and anything with fiber. Those fiber one bars help.