Could I dance like the guys industrial dance?

I like how the girls dance to but would it be ok if i did the guys industrial dance? And also, what are some good tutorials and music for it?

Please Tell.

Oliver B2011-10-01T08:28:37Z

Favorite Answer

Remember that having a feel for the beat, and your own style, will let you really get the hang for any dancing and this is no exception. There is no right or wrong style - but if you can feel the music and move to it with confidence then you can say you arent doing it wrong!

So with Industrial dance, guys and girls dance quite similarly. If you look for Aleera and Pong dance queen on youtube you'll get a hang for how the girls dance and if you check out C-Rex and Cybrax then youll see some examples of guys dancing. The styles are pretty interchangable - find what suits you best and which moves are easiest for you to do (that fits with your build, muscle and strength).

One pretty famous video, which may have influenced a lot of people, is Pong by Eisenfunk. It shows that its fun but also pretty cool as well. Dancing starts form 1:10

Some general tips/pointers that I have noticed, use or generally find to be related to Industrial dance

- Despite many people wearing platforms and gigantic stompy boots, having your feet magnetised to the floor is not the only way to go. With a bit of energy, your feet can sometimes leave the floor and you may even decide to move around a bit. But youll notice a distinct lack of foot movement in videos other than some kicks/steps/backsteps/kneelifts. This is fine, and looks good I think, but dont be afraid to incorporate a bit of movement or jumping (a good jump is cool)

- Imagine you are being aggressive, but controlled. Punches/kicks rather than flails.

- For more elaborate dance moves, practice slowly going from one stance/pose/position to the next and gradually build up speed.

- Cyberlox and kilts are great to wear but if you ever go to a club or do intense dancing sessions, really really think about how practical this is to wear. When I go out, I wear stuff that wont make me cook and I wont catch my arms on or throw around (vests, combats and police boots - makes me shorter than using platforms but also more mobile)

- Personally, I find industrial dancing to be aggressive, refined, elaborate, powerful and energetic. I really like it. It is a very "me" style of dancing and despite it being inevitable that I will have taken cues and stylistic influence from other dancers, I like to think I have my own offerings.

So yeah, that was a long response.. hope theres a few useful bits of information or opinion. But check out that video for Pong and youll get the idea. Although I would still say the dancing is probably gender neutral (you get a lot of androgeny in the industrial/alt scenes), guys probably tend to be more aggressive/energetic and competitive to show off to all the cybergirlz, whereas girls perhaps tend to be more refined because otherwise their cyberlox will fall off. Just think of the clothes they wear and how easy or hard it is to dance in!

Oh actually one last link - - perfect example of how similar styles can be among genders and how CLOTHING can get in the way. Poser versus dancer in some cases :D


Industrial Dance


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Could I dance like the guys industrial dance?
I like how the girls dance to but would it be ok if i did the guys industrial dance? And also, what are some good tutorials and music for it?

Please Tell.


Cyber Goth Dance


Youtube has many great videos, you can even check out pro industrial dancers and mimic there moves. It will take a long time to get good at, but trust me its worth it when you get to dance and make people say 'wow that person dances really good :D'!!!!!!!!!!!

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