*Christians* Would someone please pray for me?

I got a tattoo the other day and I didn't realize how against tattoos my parents are. I am going to tell them the whole truth in a few minutes (they don't know I've gotten it). I feel terrible about getting it. They even wrote me these heart-wrenching letters about how they would hate if i got a tattoo. I"m 20 if that makes any difference. Your prayers are appreciated. I just want them to remember that sometimes we all sin and all fall short of the glory of God.


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How awesome that you still want to honor your parents and their feelings! I am praying that you will work it out with your folks!

Blessings in Christ!


You need to make a sincere covenant with the Father that you will always obey all of Jesus' sayings ( Greek text ) no matter what . And that will give your parents something to hate you for .


depends, well livitcus says its bad but somethings change, regardless ill pray and , wel that hasto also do with the 4 cammandment


Did you get the confederate flag as a tattoo?


I'm praying for you.

+Jesus, I Trust In You!
Here I Am, Lord.

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