I got a, "You have received a violation" -10 points?

When I click on it, it is a question that I never answered as I do not know about snakes. Why would I get a violation on something I did not answer? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aij4zxzWKZ39o18.M6KZsPDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110718143628AAjzyQr

Thank you for your kind responses in advance.


I know I didn't answer it because I know nothing about snakes.


And it doesn't say your answer was deleted.


Favorite Answer

That happened to me before, a while back. I think you
should just email them and let them know about it...


in case you knew the know God, God needless to say reported there may well be NO peace in the midsection East until He returns to restoration peace in this earth. The antichrist will enable peace for Israel for 3 a million/2 years in straight forward terms and then the antichrist will turn against Israel as quickly as back. at that factor, no guy might desire to prefer to be in this earth. That starts the super Tribulation. Pray devoid of ceasing my pal, given it somewhat is our in straight forward terms desire. i admire Jerusalem, so I pray continuously for the peace of Jerusalem. Lord have mercy on our souls.


Did you check your yahoo e-mail account could of been a answer a while back , got one myself for responding to a wild question, but made up for it, thanks to the good people who took my advice and it help them out, appeal it, could been a error .

Lori O2011-10-01T03:55:01Z

Change your password and contact Yahoo. Always use letters and numbers in your password. If you replace the letter "O" with zeros and the letter "I" with ones, it is much more difficult for hackers to gain access to your account.


My guess is that you don't remember answering it, and the reason that you can't find your answer is that it's been deleted.

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