Do we need a strong third political party?

Would it be good or bad?
What improvements or drawbacks would it create?
What needs to be done to get there?

Mr. Smartypants2011-10-01T18:01:14Z

Favorite Answer

I think we need a third, forth and fifth party! The 'Tea Party' was never really a party but people who followed it felt they were. The whole movement was co-opted, built up and promoted by the Republicans, and Tea Partiers were duped (I feel). Now the leaders of the GOP have decided it no longer serves their purpose, so the Tea Party is dying.

But the thing is, this country has become more and more conservative over the last 30 years, but it's conservative voters who believe they're being screwed, their rights are being denied, etc. They felt we needed a new conservative party, and perhaps we do. The GOP is no longer conservative and the Democratic Party is no longer liberal. So one new party is not enough. We need BOTH a real conservative and a real liberal party.

I would like to see a real labor party in the US. Working people have really taken it in the shorts.

Sir Studley Smugley2011-10-02T01:43:26Z

Yes. The two-party, either/or system hasn't been working so well for the USA lately. I'm a Canadian, and I happen to love the USA and Americans - it bothers me to see Americans at each other's throats, and undermining each other based on party lines.

A third party, based on logic and common sense, might be what the doctor ordered.

The 3rd party might be a drawback in the sense that it would peel off votes from the establishment, and it could get the "mainstream parties" angry. Maybe then they might be able to agree on something; which would be a good thing. Both Dems and Repubs would have to move towards the center, if not for the country, at least keeping power. A third party would keep them honest.

It would be difficult to start a "strong" 3rd party in the US, people have that good/bad, either/or, black/white thing happening in their heads; a third choice might confuse 'em too much, and they would just stay home on voting day. It's not impossible if people started thinking about their representatives, and refused to vote the party line because a talking head had a (R) or (D) alongside their name.

Angie Kelso2011-10-02T01:10:28Z

As it stands now, the Mainstream Media does not show debates of other partys. This is why Ron Paul, (who is an actual Libertarian) has run for President as a Republican. It's the ONLY way he could get any air time and get his message to the American People. So for now.... a third party just wouldn't work since they will not get the TV air time.


The TEA party is similar to a third party. It is a minority party and is doing it's best to disrupt congress with it's refusal to co-operate. Third parties do not last long in the US due to a lack of co-operation


Sure. I'm sick of seeing the Crats and Pubs argue over everything. We need a new kid on the block. Our two-party system sucks.

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