Who else could be the Messiah?

“27 Prophecies fulfilled in 1 Day”

Prophecy 1: The betrayal of Messiah by His friend.
Recorded in Psalm 41:9.…Fulfilled in Mark 14:10

Prophecy 2: The Messiah was forsaken by His disciples.
Recorded in Zechariah 13:7.…fulfilled in Mark 14:50

Prophecy 3: The price paid for betraying Messiah.
Recorded in Zechariah 11:12.…Fulfilled in Matthew 26:15

Prophecy 4: To what use the betrayal money would be put.
Recorded in Zechariah 11:13.…Fulfilled in Matthew 27:3-7

Prophecy 5: The scourging of Messiah
Recorded in Isaiah 50:6.…Fulfilled in Matthew 27:26, 30

Prophecy 6: Shame, reproach, and dishonor foretold.
Recorded in Psalm 69:19.…..Fulfilled in Matthew 27:28

Prophecy 7: Prophecy of the smitten shepherd.
Recorded in Zechariah 13:7.…Fulfilled in Matthew 26:31

Prophecy 8: The parting of Messiah’s garment.
Recorded in Psalm 22:18.…Fulfilled in John 19:24

Prophecy 9: The Messiah would not open His mouth at His trial.
Recorded in Isaiah 53:7.…Fulfilled in Matthew 27:13, 14

Prophecy 10: The crucifixion.
Recorded in Isaiah 53:5.……Fulfilled in John 19:16

Prophecy 11: The prophecy of Messiah’s thirst.
Recorded in Psalm 69:3...…Fulfilled in John 19:28

Prophecy 12: His thirst quenched with bitterness.
Recorded in Psalm 69:21.….Fulfilled in John 19:29

Prophecy 13: They stare at Messiah on the cross. The minutest details of the process which later became known as crucifixion are described in this psalm.
Recorded in Psalm 22:17.…..Fulfilled in Matthew 27:36

Prophecy 14: Messiah’s pierced hands and feet.
Recorded in Psalm 22:16.…..Fulfilled in Matthew 27:35

Prophecy 15: Messiah’s pierced side.
Recorded in Zechariah 12:10.…Fulfilled in John 19:34

Prophecy 16: His heart broken.
Recorded in Psalm 22:14.….Fulfilled in John 19:34

Prophecy 17: The taunting, hatred and railing of the mob.
Recorded in Psalm 22:7, 8.…..Fulfilled in Matthew 27:41, 43

Prophecy 18: Messiah as the Lamb of God.
Recorded in Isaiah 53:7.…..Fulfilled in John 1:29

Prophecy 19: The Messiah would be an intercessor on behalf of transgressors.
Recorded in Isaiah 53:12.….Fulfilled in Luke 23:34

Prophecy 20: Messiah’s intense, lonely cry in the hour of His suffering.
Recorded in Psalm 22:1.….Fulfilled in Matthew 27:46

Prophecy 21: The prophecy of His disfigurement, caused by the brutality of the soldiers.
Recorded in Isaiah 52:14.……Fulfilled in John 19:5, 14

Prophecy 22: Messiah’s cry of triumph and victory.
Recorded in Psalm 22:31.….Fulfilled in John 19:30

Prophecy 23: Messiah, like the Passover lamb, would not have a single, broken bone.
Recorded in Exodus 12:46 (also see Psalm 22:17).….Fulfilled in John 19:33, 36

Prophecy 24: Messiah would be numbered with the transgressors: that is, He would be considered a sinner, although He was without sin.
Recorded in Isaiah 53:9, 12.…..Fulfilled in Luke 23:33

Prophecy 25: The Messiah was to be cut off (killed), but not for Himself.
Recorded in Daniel 9:26.….Fulfilled in John 11:49-52

Prophecy 26: The struggle against Satan and the triumph of Messiah. This was the oldest Messianic prophecy of all, recorded in the first book of Torah.
Recorded in Genesis 3:15.….Fulfilled in John 12:30-33

Prophecy 27: The place of Messiah’s burial, a rich man’s tomb.
Recorded in Isaiah 53:9.…Fulfilled in Matthew 27:57-60

“In order that the scripture might be fulfilled” is a phrase that frequently appears in the Gospels. The fulfillment of the prophecies concerning Messiah far exceed what has been presented here. Here we have only spoken of those prophecies fulfilled in a single day.




Favorite Answer

There is more historical, archeological, verifiable proof of a man called Jesus the Christ than there is about the Emperor Nero. There is historical proof of the absence of the body of Jesus from the tomb (which His enemies surely would have produced if they could have.)

In looking at the Word, we have God Himself admonishing us to look, to investigate, to study, to examine whether or not there are now or have ever been any others who have fulfilled all the scriptures having to do with the Messiah. The answer, of course, is no. Only Jesus Christ, the one true God could have come and fulfilled to the letter that which was written so many years before His birth and subsequent ministry.

The Bible itself is a large book, broken down into 66 smaller books. It was written by approximately 40 different authors over a period of approximately 1600 years. (Dates: 1600BC-100AD.) Amazingly, not one word disagrees with another. It is without factual error, without contradiction and can be proven by even the most skeptical of persons.

In order for Jesus to be the Messiah that was promised who would take away the sin of the world, to be the Prophet that was spoken of, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the real Christ we were given 48 prophecies that had to be fulfilled by the Chosen One. This may not sound like a lot, but let me give you an example, based on the law of probabilities, of what it would take for one man to fulfill just 8 of these prophecies. In order for one man to fulfill just 8 of the prophecies it would be equivalent to taking silver dollars and laying them side by side across the entire state of Texas so they covered the ground to a depth of 2 feet (not leaving an inch of open ground in the whole state.) Now, mark one of the silver dollars with a red 'x' and place it somewhere within that pile, anywhere in the state. Next, take a blind man and take him anywhere he wants to go in Texas and then have him reach down and pick up a silver dollar, just one. The odds of him being able to pick up the one with the red 'x' is equivalent to one man being able to fulfill just 8 of the prophecies concerning the Messiah.

For Jesus to have fulfilled all 48 of the prophecies would be a 1 in a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance. (That's a 1 with 117 zeros behind it).

In the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth, every single prophecy was fulfilled exactly and specifically the way it was given. There was not a single variation or contradiction. The Bible says there is "but one name under heaven by which man must be saved - the man Christ Jesus." Scripture also says, "there is only one mediator between man and God - the man Christ Jesus." Neither Mary, nor the saints and apostles can bring salvation unto you, only Jesus, for it was He who made the ultimate sacrifice.

The Bible further says, "There is no one righteous, no, not one", and 'all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God," and "there was only one who was without sin" that One being Jesus. Jesus, was in fact, the only begotten Son of God, and the only true Messiah.

It comes down to this: there is, in fact real, historical and scientific proof that Jesus is, in fact, the Son of God, but even with all of this proof, there will always be those who discount it and refuse to believe what their own eyes and ears tell them to be true. There will always be those who refuse to believe in God. There is nothing that will convince them He is real. So be it, but the fact they do not believe in Him will never nullify the truth and eventually they will discover that, indeed He is alive, when they stand before Him for judgment.


It couldn't be Jesus. Jesus was never called Immanuel, he must be a physical descendant of David but in both genealogies he is descendad through Joseph who is not his real dad, Isaih 7:16 says before he reached the age of maturity Israel and Judah would be destroyed and they weren't, Zachariah 9:10-13 shows the messiah would be a military king and Jesus had neither an army, nor kingdom, Jeremiah 13:16-17 was about the captivity, not Herod's slaughter, Hosea 11:1 is a reference to the exodus, Micah 5:2 is speaking about a clan not a town, according to Isiah 27:12-13 & 11:12 he must gather the Jews back to Israel which he never did, according to Malachi 5:1 he must rebuild the temple and he never did that either.


So, taking your second example, the next verse of the prophecy is 'In the whole land,” declares the LORD, “two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it.'
I guess that for each of your fulfilled prophecies there are a few unfulfilled prophecies like this one. That means that Jesus could not possibly be the Messiah, but I suppose you are right about one thing, I do not think anybody else could be the Messiah either.

Basically you can only regard these as prophecies by taking them completely out of context.


I' m the Mahdi, the reincarnation of Elijah.
My wife and i are the 2 witnesses in Rev. 11
Also in Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
The day of the lord is the judgement day!
I'm also the reincarnation of James Zebedee who was the beloved disciple aka the teacher of righteousness in the DEAD SEA SCROLLS. who was referred to as the Messiah!

The angel Gabriel told me that Jimmy Carter is the Anti-Christ and that he will divorce his wife and change his name!

The angel Gabriel told me when i was in Philipsburg, Montana in 1973 that Jimmy Carter is the Anti-Christ! And a few years later i figured out who the 7 Kings were in Rev. 17:10.

George W. Bush is the 6th King in Rev. 17:10 who is spoken of in the present tense! Because when he was in office in 2001 there were 5-x presidents who were still alive, and one is yet to come, was Obama!

The angel Gabriel told me that Jimmy Carter is the Anti-Christ aka Dajjal and that he is going to change his name and divorce his wife!
Obama is going to die first and then the Anti-Christ who was one of the previous 7 Presidents will take his place!

Rev. 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
These 7 kings were;
1. Gerald Ford
2. Jimmy Carter
3. Ronald Reagan
4. George H. W. Bush
5. Bill Clinton

6. George W. Bush.... is spoken of in the present tense (and one is) because until Reagan died all 7 were alive!

7. Barack Obama.......and one is yet to come! He will die a few days after he raises taxes!
Obama is also in Dan. 11:20
Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes [in] the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.
Rev. 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

The angel Gabriel told me in Aug. 1973 that Jimmy Carter was the Anti-Christ and that he is going to change his name and divorce his wife!

Obama is going to die first, and then the Anti-Christ, who was one of the previous 7 Presidents will take his place!


Dude, for all I know I could be the Messiah.

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