What are some ways to use hot pepper jelly?

I bought a 4oz. jar of Citus Fire jelly the other day at a local farmer's market. It's absolutely delicious on a bagel with cream cheese, but was wanting to try using it in other ways of my cooking. The ingredients are mostly hot peppers,oranges,lemons,and lemon juice. (Yellow in color) Any ideas?


@Richard, that does sound good


@Chris,I don't eat much pork,but ty for the idea! And the cracker one is a quick save in a pinch with time


@Jane, thank you for those recipes,they sure do sound delicious


@Jane Hewitt,I love puffed pastry, so light and airy,yours sounds good too!


Favorite Answer

I have made this before and it sure is yummy. I used puff pastry and brie cheese, spread the jelly on top of the cheese, pinched the pastry dough all around, and brushed it with an egg. Bake at 400 degrees, until browned and the cheese is melted.


Serve over cream cheese with crackers for an appetizer. It is also good as a glaze on a pork tenderloin.

Richard M2011-10-02T18:31:18Z

I like to pan roast chicken de-glaze with white wine, reduce, add Pepper Jelly, and finish with butter, simple and tasty. I also like it in Roast Leg of Lamb pan drippings for a sauce.



5 recipes using hot pepper jelly