Muslims, does this verse state that Chrisitans and Jews can also go to heaven if they do good?

So, my friend who studies different religions was telling me that me that there is a verse ( I forgot the Arabic word) that states that Chrisitans and Jews can go to heaven as well. I think it's verse 62 of Al-baqarah. Which says in English, " Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee, Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans - whoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve." Sukran. (:


The concept of accepting the teachings of the prophet Muhammad originated from Christianity (Catholic Church) in the regards to accepting the teachings of Jesus. Basically the Jews, Muslims, and Catholics/Orthodox all believe that your deeds justify yourself before God. The faith alone is a Protestant belief which has been taken to the extremes with the Fundamentalists.


Almighty Allah is the Lord of this Universe.He is the Most merciful and Forgiving of all.We have to understand that mankind was and is destined for the hellfire,we are at a complete loss!! Yet because of his mercy towards his creation Almighty God sent messengers and scriptures which gave us our religion,our guidance of what is good and what is evil,and the criteria to save ourselves from the hell fire.
Almighty God has power over all things and he says and does as He wills and he forgives and punishes as He wills and we have NO say in this matter.
Now this verse is a mercy from Almighty God,which means that do not worry,who ever you are ,wether christain ,or jew,those who believe in the worship of One God and are ready to accept the Prophethood of Muhammed the last messenger,and those who believe that one day we will all be raised from the dead and stand before our lord to be Judged,Allah will be merciful to them and will save them from the fires of hell.This is an encouragement for christains to search for the truth.


denying the last prophet Muhammad might be an issue into entering heaven and not to mention involving anyone with God .like those who think Jesus is God will go straight to hell .Jews have many issue as they almost killed or betrayed every prophet that were send to them .so only God knows


As long as they do not associate partners to God the most glorious the most exalted.


yes u can not only that u do god but beleive that allah and the last day then yes

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