In what order would you rank the first 5 Dexter seasons from best to worst?
In my opinion it goes 4-1-2-5-3, what's yours?
BQ: Whose your favourite bad guy? Brian Moser from Season 1? Lila West from Season 2? Miguel Prado from Season 3? Arthur Mitchell from 4? Or Jordan Chase from 5? Justify your answer
Actually, only the first book was good, the later books weren't that great.. And the third book was awful!!
Alison Watz2011-10-06T07:13:27Z
Favorite Answer
4, 1, 2, 3, 5 The fourth season was really the one that I couldn't stop watching. Episode after episode, the whole situation was so tense and I really hoped till the end that nothing bad is going to happen to Rita. And I think that Lila is the most colourful "bad girl" of the series because she was so ingenious. So many methods she used to get Dexter back, a really obsessed girl. And I think she truly could see Dexter for who he really was, she was really ready to accept him with all his dark secrets. Of course, it was an abnormal obsession, but anyway, as the "bad guy" she was great!
The first season was the best for me because everything was original, and there were so many mysteries to be solved and secrets to be revealed. To a certain extent, all subsequent seasons have repeated the first.
As for villains, it's a tie between the Ice Truck Killer and the Trinity Killer. Mainly because they managed to keep the identity of the Ice Truck Killer a mystery for most of the season, which added to the suspense. The unknown is always scarier than the known. Once we met Brian, though, Arthur was the better character.) .
1-4-3-2-5 The books are better for the killing scenes and you learn more about the dark passenger. All of those are wrong- Hannibal Lecter should either be the final enemy OR team up with Dexter. think about it- Dexter kills Hannibal eats. epic.