Alan-Because they is NO need too since Obama does not have the votes in his Democratic Senate. Why don't you pay attention and you will learn that the democrats are against this bill. The first bill NEVER worked, why would this one. Maybe next time if Obama really wanted to pass a bill he would talk with leaders in the republican party, he does care if this bill passes, all this is a political ploy for re-election. It reminds me of his Budget bill that was voted down 97-0 in the Senate!!!
Jay- Who does Michelle Obama work for???? What is Job description? How much does she make an Hour? Does it require a law license at her job, i hope not she lost it.
Favorite Answer
What is "air fair?" Is this some kind of political term with which we should be familiar? In any case, no, I have never been the First Lady, believe it or not.
properly, given a call, might YOU flow and freshen up the oil? Or get away to three advantageous spa motel or regardless of? i presumed so. that's okay to criticize the President (and customary woman), yet i do no longer see no critics doing what they're preaching.
No, but thanks for posting an article that shows that (a) the accounting used wasn't right, (b) that the (unpaid) First Lady was working while on the trip. Among other things to put this into the truthful context.
UPDATE: The First Lady is not technically a job position. However, it's been long established that the First Lady has certain responsibilities. When I say "long established," I'm talking back to Martha Washington, although other First Ladies have more formally taken on such a role.
First Ladies, of both parties, have participated in this role.
The one very SLIGHT problem with your claim is that the aircraft she flew on were part of the US Presidential fleet of "Aircraft Ones" that remain fully-staffed & in use (and in the air when not being serviced!) 24 hours a day, 365 days a the cost of their use "for her vacation" was EXACTLY THE SAME as they would have cost had she NOT been on them!
There are PLENTY of legitimate reasons to complain about the Obama Administration, but you do the conservative cause NO favors by posting such ignorant complaints!
It is "useful fools" like yourself who will all but guarantee Obama gets re-elected, and on his behalf, I thank you!