what are some nice things u can do for ur fiance w/o them present?

my fiance and i r trying to do nice things for each other. we've left each other love notes. he's given me roses and a shoulder rub. i've been more physically affectionate, etc. unfortunately, i work nights and he works days, so i need to come up with ways to show him i love him that don't involve being in the same place at the same time (like the love notes, roses, etc). i already know i can buy him stuff, but what else can i do that's free or cheap?


Favorite Answer

I am a guy and can understand what your fiance wants.

Take a leave from your work and spend a night with him...It may look stupid but I think it is a good surprise (after all your fiance is a man)


Get creative. You might try designing letters for days out of the week. Plan ahead using those by implanting a suggesstive theme to them. Ex. For Friday Night, use a box shaped like an F and stuff of picture of you in the bath tub naked all by your self and make up and hair all done up, with a time written on it. Or you could start a new hobby together.