Can atheists answer this please. Is it possible?

Could it be that ants are arguing whether humans exist or not?
Some are pretty sure humans don't exist, but they can't prove it. Others are certain humans do exist. Others aren't sure about the existence of humans.
This argument continues. Another ant observes the argument, and notices that the arguing ants are actually crawling along the leg of a human being, who happens to be standing still.



@Primal: You can't be certain about that. You cannot affirm that only humans communicate with each other and other species don't. If other species do communicate, you cannot limit their communication to only what suits your limitted sphere of reasoning.


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Since ants and humans are all part of the natural observable universe, it is obvious that the ants are not advanced enough to recognize what they are looking at.

They are science deniers.


Allie Q2011-10-06T19:17:06Z

No, it does not.

If ants were capable of reasoning and seeking evidence, they would be able to find evidence for humans. Because humans actually exist. If they are crawling on the leg of a human, then an ant standing far away can look and say, "Hey, that's not a weird hill, that's a human!" When humans step on them, there is evidence. When humans do anything at all that effects an ant's environment - there is evidence.

Evidence is the key word here.

The Whoflew Bird2011-10-06T19:15:05Z

Your scenario could be more effective if you were to simply say that God isn't necessarily what anyone thinks God is. If lets say, God were the entire world, that is, all things in the world make up this being, then of course it would be hard to see, because it's everywhere in plain sight. It's like a fish telling another fish "it sure is nice warm water today" and the other fish asking "what is water?" However, then you run into religions disputation problems, Christians or Muslims or whoever saying God is not pantheistic (as if that could be absolutely proven or disproven). Religion has caused a great many people who might ponder such a thing as super-consciousness or expanded universal consciousness to be jaded and reduced to simply mulling over material reductionism.

Jerri--on island time, mon.2011-10-06T19:14:37Z

No. If the ants could think about the problem , then they could design an experiment to test it. They could observe humans, report how their sting made them angry, maybe even count them. If 'god' existed, then we could measure *something* , anything, about that existence. The frequency of prayer answered would be more, or perhaps less, at least different, than that predicted by chance.

But, there's nothing. So either 'god' doesn't exist, or it's as if 'god' didn't exist.


The problem with that is that ants can see feet, legs, people..... and they have first hand experience of seeing the feet crush their friends, selves, etc.... thereby providing some solid evidence of mans existance. To my knowledge they has never, not even once, ever... been a god sighting. Not even of his big toe....

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