Westbro Baptist Church?

I know they are protected by free speech, but these guys should be arrested for being idiots. What can we do to stop these morons? The military funeral protests are just pitiful, can't we do something about this group? I want all their addresses and where they all plan to be buried.



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Protest their church services. Make it so difficult for them to gather and spread their hate that they simply give up. People that blame others for the troubles in life are living in a bubble, they see everybody else as being at fault, and never take any blame for their own sins, imperfection and mistakes. They are the kind of people that give up when the fight comes to them.


Sadly, I live fairly near to where these arseholes are operating. However, i have seen several examples of how to thwart them. A few months back, a biker group (can't remember which one) prevented them from getting close to a couple funerals. I'd like to see a group specifically made to keep them from making it to the funeral. Protestors of the protestors.

Besides, the westboro baptists are disgusting excuses for human beings. And they are lucky that some PTSD marine hasn't taken action. They are playing with their own lives by going to such an emotionally charged place full of people trained to protect their brothers.

And if I remember right...There are limits to free speech and free assembly. If you are harming people by your actions (i.e. shouting "fire" in a theater), shouldn't you be stopped? I have family who are police who have had to PROTECT these idiots, the entire time hating them for what they are doing. The whole thing is wrong.


So you'd have people arrested for being idiots? You know how full jails would be if that were the case?

I agree with you that it's beyond pitiful that they protest military funerals, but you can't arrest them for being idiots. I can't get you their addresses, etc. either. I bet someone can though.


They call themselves Christians, but they actually enjoy and take pleasure in creating pain in others. They are stupid, base their beliefs on misinterpretations of scripture. I actually feel some compassion for the ones that are cult followers. If they believe in what they are doing and they hate America so much, the time will come when they learn who the real "Great Satan" is. Hope they enjoy their time on earth because I believe there is a special place in hell for this trash.


Well they sure do get around on the web and they get a lot of media attention. They are hyper calvinists. To understand calvinism you can go to the carm site and I am sure you will get an earful of it. Only they don't want to be linked with them because they are extremists. They are not so hard to find on the web.


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