Visiting Japan. I live in South Carolina, what gifts should I bring the family?

I'm going to Japan in December to stay with a Host family for a few days. I'm from South Carolina, and I have NO idea what Japanese people would like or are interested in from the US/South Carolina. Any suggestions?


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Special packaged foods/candies that are regional and very South Carolina-ey that one wouldn't find anywhere else in the US are a good place to start. Canadians always have their maple syrups. Are there any specialties like honeys. They have honey but not like we have honey here. Also, good candies like premium chocolates. A lot of my Japanese friends love See's chocolates and actually request them. They're not high-end by any means, but they're very popular. (They may be a West Coast product, or at least hard to find back East). Hope this helped a little...


Beef Jerky (Tengu brand if you can find them, or some locally made brand that is hard to find elsewhere).