Are you really as intelligent as your assertion suggests? Any individually who is certain that God does not exist, must have explored all spheres of life. That person must also have been an expert in all things. That means you must be omniscient (know all things). In the sphere that you know little or nothing about, God might exist.

In conclusion, no individual can claim to know everything. Hence, no individual can be absolutely certain that there is no God.


Favorite Answer

God exists.
He does not exist because we say He does; He is independent of our proclamations. He does not exist because we want Him to exist; He is independent of our desires. He does not exist because in our ignorance, we insert God in order to explain the unknown; He is independent of our ignorance. No. God exists because He is. We Christians have experienced Him, felt Him, and know Him. We can see His hand in our lives. We see the circumstances of life move and be moved to bring us to answers that we know are from Him. We sense Him our prayers and our lives. We see Him work in the lives of others. We watch as He answers prayer and confirms in our own hearts His love for us. We know He exists because He exists.
The Bible speaks of God and does not defend His existence. It simply asserts it. Sometimes there are simply things you cannot prove to someone else, but you know. Yes, this is subjective, but it is often true.


1. yes, I'm as intelligent as I assert
2. I have explored all spheres, and a few cubes as well
3. I am not an expert in all things, but I do have the internet and that's just as good
4. Again, I know a lot, and anything I don't know is easily found out
5. There's no sphere that makes super beings probable
6. Actually I'm pretty certain, enough to say absolute and feel good about it.

Now , how about you. where's the little tiny bit of knowledge that makes super beings possible?


hello, What do you propose with 'appropriate functioning of area and earth' ? i can work out that on first sight issues might seem designed and according to possibility even appropriate. yet scratch under the exterior and issues right now start to look distinctive. question which incorporate, why do maximum individuals might desire to have our awareness enamel pulled, why do lots of pregnancies in improve supply up and toddlers die, what's the appendix for while that's the form of threat while contaminated etc etc.. our broken gene for producing diet c .. If there is one subject nature tells us, and it is real for issues like a 747 too, then that's that complicated issues have an easier beginnings. The issues that are intelligently designed are designed via human beings, according to medical theory.. And to make you think of a sprint, if a Lion is so completely designed to kill different animals and consume meat, how come that layout is so appropriate for existence after the autumn, while animals have been created earlier the autumn...?? Regards,


Billions of Christians have had thousands of years and not one has ever produced the slightest evidence of God's objective existence.

The root of the problem is that Christians don't even understand what existence actually entails. It's obvious to everyone except believers themselves that their God is a subjective conceptual abstraction. Unfortunately, most Christians have such a screwed-up understanding of the nature of reality they'll tell you with one breath that God actually exists and then, with the next breath they'll tell you they know this because they can feel Him in their heart. If organized Christianity is to survive much longer they're going to have to eventually acknowledge the distinction between objective reality and subjective experience. Christianity has managed to ignore the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution for 350 years. If they don't wise up soon and admit their God has always been a subjective mental phenomena, having nothing to do with objective physical reality, Christianity will become humanity's next dead religion, moldering away with all the other obsolete mythologies.

Small minded people argue about whether God exists. Intelligent people consider the deeper meaning of existence itself. God is right where He's always been, within the human mind and it has always been impossible for Him to have an actual existence within the only known objective reality.

By the way, your conclusion is superficial. It is not necessary to know everything to establish that it is impossible for an incorporeal being to objectively exist within the only known reality, the physical Universe of matter and energy.


It is very true that no individual can claim to know everything. But we may be able to know something. For example: Saint Augustine couldn't do it, but can someone else, believer or nonbeliever, explain what kind of fruit Adam and Eve ate in the story? After 6000+ years I think we are all due an intelligent explanation. No guesses, opinions, or beliefs, please. Just the facts that we know from the story. But first, do an Internet search: First Scandal.

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