Is this chilling enough?

Does it make you want to read on? This is an extract from a second project I am working on.

Buzz. On and on it went, infrequently pausing and then starting again. Just a low buzz in the background. To be honest, that wasn’t much better. In fact, there was no background. Just plain darkness. Darkness and buzzing. To the man, it was hell.
The pain had come a few days after the noise first arrived. Sometimes, he could not bear it. Sometimes, it was just a light tickling sensation somewhere on his body. The boy did not know where; it could have been his toes or his stomach – co-ordination did not exist in this nightmare. Neither did time.
When last had he seen the light of day or felt the cool breeze of the wind on his cheeks? It had been the summer’s day that his daughter had disappeared. What had been her name? Mary? Nicola? Joanne. That was it. Often, he would remind himself of this single piece of information, the only one he could remember. He knew she had been taken and then he had arrived here, forced to stay in the company of the darkness and the buzz.
Frequently, he would hear a voice from faraway and then a distant scream, forever echoing in his, already demented, mind.

Shannon G2011-10-16T06:26:14Z

Favorite Answer

I really liked it and I'd definitely read on. It seems like my kind of book.

I don't know whether I'd call it chilling because, while it certainly had an aspect of horror, I found it more intriguing and suspenseful than anything. But, yeah, I'd definitely read on and enjoy it. 'Tis good.


It's relatively interesting, but the mistakes in grammar and consistency turn me off.

Queen of Questions2011-10-16T06:20:17Z

I wouldn't exactly call it chilling, but thought provoking and interesting, yes. :)


It's great stuff. *yawn*