Don't feel any good :(.....?

Hi guys, I am not feeling very well as it says as the title

My head is spinning and giving me a headache, I have stomach chest pains, my left leg is hurting too. I am coughing yellow mucus every 2 minutes, I did have a cold 2 days ago and a blocked noise, so I made a shower and the steam cleaned it up (now my noise is crusty and hurts when I pick it) - the cold is when this started happening.

I don't smoke but my mum does.

I want to go to the doctors in the morning (7 hours away) and try to fix it.

I usually sleep late and drink fizzy fluids or tea, milk but barely any water.

If anyone can help I will gladly appreciate it.

Thanks I feel like I want to kill myself.


PS I'm not pregnant


I am 14 years old, never had sex, and I'm male.


Favorite Answer

You are pregnant