Married men: have you ever had a reason to masturbate into a condom? Is it really less messy or lasts longer?!?

Ok so the thing is my hubby used a flavored condom I was saving & said he used it to masturbate? Well I wanna believe him but sometimes when he acts cold & distant or comes home later than usual with a lame excuse as to why he's late & lately he only seems to want oral sex from me so then I wonder what is going on here?! :/


Favorite Answer

He could have some errant maniacal strange thing going on but nope didn't happen. We might see how far it will go or how high it will go or how much there is but in a condom. nope can't see it. The oral sex part is strange. I can't see any man doing somebody and asking wife to get close enough to smell where he has been. He would have used it as a water bomb before jacking off in it.

But Inside I'm Screaming2011-10-17T21:48:23Z

Sounds like he masturbated inside another woman.


That's not impossible, but unlikely...



NEVER EVER has that EVER NEVER EVER happened.


unless of course i am balls-deep in someone.