In the history of US politics, what do you think was the stupidest thing ever done?

Been some wacky stuff going on lately, but I don't think it happened in 2011.


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Republicans breaking into Democratic headquarters at Watergate was an act of profound stupidity. Nixon was so far ahead that whatever they found wouldn't make a nickel's worth of difference.


I think that entirely depends on the century. There have been tons of stupid decisions but most were relevent to the time period during which they were made. Slavery was not a specific US decision but the federal government chose to ignore it for decades for the sake of the union during which many states in the north completely outlawed it. In 1960 we sent military advisers to Vietnam to assist the Vietnemese in defending against a communist coup.. maybe right at the time but led to a shameful war. Honestly though, in my opinion any military action enacted which is not a result of attack or of vital importance to the sovereignty of this nation is shameful and unconstitutional. This goes for Iraq, Libya and whatever mess Obama is getting us into in Uganda (and for the record, Vietnam started exactly how Obama is starting with Uganda).

Mongo Khan2011-10-18T03:37:11Z

Allowing the 2000 presidential election to be rigged in Florida and the U.S Supreme Court so george w. bush and his band of thieves could run the country into recession and war.


Going to War in Iraq must be the stupidest thing the U.S has done, I mean what did we gain from that war? really!


Bay of Pigs, Reagan giving WMD's to Saddam, Reaganomics, 22nd amendent

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