I have a real bad relationship with my mother, how to I mend it?

there is lots of screaming and yelling its kind of like a bad marriage but instead of husband and wife its mother and son. we argue about the smallest things.


Favorite Answer

Be a god little boy and do as mommy says and everything will be fine.


Honestly man, I wish I could tell u. I think less talking to her/seeing her. Move out if u can. I obviously don't know the situation but sometimes that's all you can do. It's sad. But it's life. I have an extremely complicated relationship with my fam. I'll never forgive them for what they've done.I'm treated like absolute sht, like a slave, they won't let my finance (best thing that ever happened to me) around. I have to hide him so my dad doesn't get violent. I'm moving out this wknd in the middle of the night. Just can't do it anymore. awful people. So... maybe u guys have a toxic relationship. Not as severe as me. But maybe similar. Sever the ties if need be. I'm not gonna say therapy or anything. But try to just stay calm and talk with her... if u can. If u guys are always at each others throats, u need a break from each other! I wish i could help more! But it's something that has to come from u to make that call! Message me if you want to be more specific and maybe i can help!


hey I hear you too I don't have the greatest relationship with my mom side of the family either and I live with my mom and shes dating someone who doesn't like me very much and I try to get out of the house as much as I can and visit my dads side of the family and get a break from her. i even told my dad how i hate it here and he does too i get treated like a slave here and my mom says she is nice and i am mean but she only says she is nice because she gives me food and a place to sleep and buys me gifts sometimes. but still treats me like a slave

Flush Fries2016-08-27T19:17:03Z

Since you answered on of my questions i feel i should answer yours. My mom can get mad over the smallest things sometimes and we argue a lot. But just remember that she loves you no matter what and things will get better in time.


Give her $50

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