Is 'prologue' not just a word? Also, could you please read my excerpt and criticize?
Surely you could name the so called 'prologue', chapter one? Examples, in HP7, Rowling has the chapter where Voldermort kills Charity Burbage. this would classify as a prologue, yet she calls it chapter one. If agents and publishers dislike prologues so much, why don't aspiring authors call their prologue, 'chapter one'?
BQ: Below is an excerpt. Please could you rate?
Buzz. This was how it had been since the beginning. The beginning – when his daughter had disappeared, when the men had arrived and sent him on a one way trip to hell and when life as he knew it was snatched away from his hands.
Often, the man would weep. There would be times when great remorse flooded through him and he would remember what he had done. What he had done. Pictures and images would fill his mind and he would grab his throat but he would be too weak to end it all and the images would still come – a man struggling in a large expanse of water, followed swiftly by three mountain peaks between two ridges. But the clearest image would be of a woman in his arms, blood flowing from a gaping wound in her chest and forming a bloody stain on the floor.
Then the pain would come. First a great stab in the back of his dry throat and then tears would come to his wide eyes.
@Lucipher, thanks for the excellent answer - I won't comment on the *slight* lateness. xD Also, thanks for the comments on my excerpt as well; however, this is not the beginning to... well, anything. i just wrote this to get me back into writing my original project - I have been neglecting it for a while now. Thanks once again for the comments.