Christians: What is the importance/meaning of free will?

In the next life, in heaven on earth, does the free will of one person extend to his being allowed to harm or make miserable another person? Will God still allow us the freedom to hurt each other in any way or to damage the joy of another? (Please don't answer "We won't want to"; You would be correct, but that's not the point of this question.)

Will people in hell have the ability and power to damage the happiness of one another or of the people in heaven?

If you answered "No," which is a reasonable answer, please think of the person you love best, and who is not following Jesus. Maybe a parent or a child or grandchild or a dear friend or lover. If you were to get a phone call in the next five minutes telling you that person (perhaps a professing and vehement atheist) had died suddenly in a car accident. If there is no reason to believe that she had the opportunity or the inclination to repent in her last few moments, can you imagine your agony? And God loves her MORE than you do. Think of His agony. Think of the agony of those who love you as they watch your agony. That's a lot of pain, and of course it is a domino effect amongst those who truly love one another. In the next life, it would be an INFINITE domino effect, since we will all know and love one another and love those beloved by our loved ones. Think of all those souls in agony over their own loved ones in hell, over one another's agony, and not least at all, over the very agony of God, who cannot but experience it ALL at once.

But will God's agony over losing this dear one diminish or wink out when He regretfully consigns her to hell (whatever that looks like)? Will He forget His love for her? Will it turn to hate? God does not change. His faithfulness endures forever. And if His pain does not diminish, will yours? In a place where love is all, will you refrain from loving this person whom God COMMANDED you to love? Does she still have free will? Will God allow her to hold out for all eternity, a "successful rebel" to her own detriment and causing the sorrow and agony of all those who love her and who love those who love her, including God Himself?

And should this dear one, seeing a true picture of God, who He really is, and seeing and experiencing His agony over her sins and her loss, fall to her knees and from her heart repent and believe the gospel, would He refuse her -- His own dear child?

What do you think? Where does free will end and protection of its victims begin? And how great is the mercy of God, which endureth forever? Is it even possible that our tradition has been misguided?

(BTW, I can back all of this up scripturally, but if you search you'll find many articles that will do it better than I could do here.)


Bryon, Thanks; that clears it all up. ;)

Slave, Study for yourself and then answer this (and don't mistake me for unitarian). I said the same as you only several months ago, but I am eager for the truth from God and willing to go WHEREVER He takes me. I would never have answered your question so definitively without at least some thought.


***Guys!*** I know you're in a hurry, but please either read the whole question or don't trouble yourselves with an answer sans thought. It isn't really THAT long, and I promise it's fairly well-written and non-academic.


Thanks for reading the question, Seek 1st (and Slave). I appreciate your honesty and that you are a sensitive soul who is troubled by the image of a creator who would create thousands upon tens of hundreds of thousands who will go on to experience nothing but torment forever and ever and ever and ever . . . . if you will look, you will discover there is more to the goodness of God (scripturally supported, too) than you ever even imagined.


Final Trump, Thank you for an honest and thought-out answer, Brother, though I must disagree. Still, if we were sitting down over coffee I think we could enjoy one another's conversation on the subject and perhaps even learn together whether we ended up in agreement or not. ;)


Favorite Answer

You ask a lot of questions, but I think I will start with the last one: "Is it even possible that our tradition has been misguided?"

Yes! I believe that with all my heart.

We are talking about the next life, the resurrection. Will they have free will? Yes. Consider the next two scriptures:

Act_3:23 And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.
Act_7:37 This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear.

The application of these scriptures is in the Kingdom on earth. (The thousand year reign of Jesus and his Bride over the world of mankind) 1 Tim 2:5,6 talk about Jesus being a Mediator between God and Man--this is future, as he is our advocate which is a very different function, because we have a standing before God, the world does not.

Yes, God loves the world, but when a person becomes sin, God cannot look upon him (which is why He turned His back on Jesus on the cross for that moment). Hate is not a sin. We are told to love righteousness and HATE iniquity (it is not love less). When a person becomes inseparable from their sin--when their consciences are seared with a hot iron and immovable from the sin, God's love no longer applies, and neither should ours, if we "have iniquity". We have to have that God-like character, to recognize that this person is unrecoverable and the second death is where they belong.

Just as Aaron was told not to mourn the death of his sons for what they had done, we will not mourn someone's destruction who is so opposed to God and righteousness.

They will neither hurt nor destroy in my holy mountain (kingdom). It will not be tolerated, but that doesn't mean it won't be attempted. All of mankind will be given the opportunity to walk up the highway of holiness (notice now only the narrow way, and broad road to destruction are open). This is the job of the faithful Christian in the next age, to put into action all the lessons they learned while being trained for that position on how to help the world of mankind overcome sin and self. That is the purpose of the reign, but we are told that not all will make it. Jesus will rule with a rod of iron (inflexible), there would be no need of it if the world did not have free will.

The world is not on trial now (judgement begins with the house of the Lord--thats us,and Christendom), they will be given every opportunity in the kingdom to get back what Adam lost. (Restitution). They will be put on trail as Adam was at the end of the thousand years (little season). They will be perfect then and given the opportunity to chose life.


I was once underneath the affect that the rationale Christians "bash" confession is considering that you're asking forgiveness from a clergyman, now not God. Some Christians do not appreciate pergatory considering that it is taught as symbolism within the Bible. There is not any "unfastened" passport. All have got to confess in Christ, be baptized and witness. However, considering that we ALL sin, a Christian might appreciate this sin and ask forgiveness. There is a change among intentional sin and unintended. Intentional is whilst you plan on going out and getting inebriated, stealing, and so forth. Unintentional is like whilst you accidently pass judgement on anyone with out understanding. As lengthy as it is identified after which repented (or if it is a steady obstacle, to get support), Jesus will forgive at any time when. If you are now not sorry for the sin and do not repent, there is also dire penalties. Hope this is helping!


If you're supporting universalism then you're utterly wrong.

Edit: Okay, then, explain what you make of these Scriptures:
Matthew 10:28 "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
Hebrews 10:31 "It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Hebrews 12:29 "For our God is a devouring fire."
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
Revelation 20:10 "Then the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever." (Remember that the beast and false prophet are human)
Revelation 20:15 "And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire."
Revelation 21:8 "But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."


well eric clapton said it best, there truly are no tears in heaven and only a very few will be there anyway. i do not believe in hell either just sleep in death where the bible states the thoughts do perish. i have thought out your scenario above on occassion and this is how i roll:
it clearly states in revelation 21:4, and he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore the former things have passed away. it is far simpler and rational than your conclusion (no offense). as a human you are using your human intellect to try to explain Gods' supreme power of reasoning and we simply do not have the powers of reasoning that God has.

Christian M2011-10-18T16:12:05Z

'Even in the highest ages there are rogues and decoits. This is the level of being that allows for every level of manifestation from Light to darkness, Innocence to evil.

But it is also the level at which the ego/mind cannot discover Truth but attempts to without end. Still the mind and still the tongue and in the silence know the answers to all that confounds you. But otherwise you will never be satisfied attempting to know what the ego/mind cannot know.


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