When is the difference of prime powers 1?
Solving the equation
3^n - 2^m = +/- 1
for integers n and m came up as an aside (that I avoided through some tedious calculations) in this question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111016201805AANtKKU
We have the solutions
3^0 - 2^1 = -1
3^1 - 2^1 = 1
3^1 - 2^2 = -1
3^2 - 2^3 = 1
which are in fact the only solutions for 0 <= n, m < 1000. I suspect there are no other solutions, but I'm not sure how to prove such a thing, or look it up, though I feel certain it's been studied (and I even dimly remember reading about something similar).
More generally, of course, one can ask what the solutions of
p^n - q^m = +/- 1
are for p and q prime. However, the left side is even unless precisely one of p, q is 2. There's always a trivial solution p^0 - 2^1 = -1, so we may suppose q=2, n >= 1 and consider
p^n - 2^m = +/- 1
For n=1, the solutions correspond precisely to the Fermat and Mersenne primes, the infinitude of which is an open question in both cases. For n > 1, the only solution I've found is 3^2 - 2^3 = 1, using 2 < p < 1000 (prime), 1 < n < 100, 0 <= m < 1000. I suspect this is the only solution.
So, my question is: (1) solve 3^n - 2^m = +/- 1; (2) give a reference discussing the second form, p^n - 2^m = +/- 1 for n > 1 [I imagine a proof is too much to ask].
Thank you gôhpihán! That resolves my second question, and more (and now I'm almost sure I read the MathWorld article on the Catalan conjecture before). I'm somewhat surprised that it's been proven.
A short proof for the special case (1) still seems at least plausible to me, though maybe I'm hoping in vain.