Mormon's = Cult? What does that mean?

I have a question directed towards those who claim that I, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, am part of a cult.

I would like to know exactly what you have in mind when you make those kind of accusations.

So if you could please explain this to me. Let's assume that you are talking to someone who has never once heard the word cult used.

Please do not bother quoting some dictionary, because the definitions you will find in a dictionary could include any church anywhere on the planet. Additionally I would like to hear what it means to you not to someone like Webster's.


I am not interested in reasons why you think I am part of a cult.

I am only interested in knowing what you think of when you label my faith as a cult. So if you were trying to describe the word on a test what would your answer be. Or if you were to simply describe the idea to someone who had never heard the word cult and were not specifically talking about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, just the idea of a cult.

What would your answer be? How would you describe the word?


I have no intention of reporting anyone (except for obvious rants and such) who answers this question because of the sensitive nature of the question.


In the media frenzy after Governor Perry's preacher called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a cult, I read an article that tried to say that what that preacher was trying to say is that he does not recognize us as an authentic religion. Is this an accurate description for what comes to your mind or is there more?

I know when I think of a cult I think of a group of crazy people who capture virgins and sacrifice them on alters. Is this the kind of things that people think we do when they are calling us a cult, or is there something else that they have in mind?

Stan J2011-10-19T05:51:34Z

Favorite Answer

The word "cult" is an easy pejorative: it gets a lot of emotional mileage without needing much--if any--substance to back it up.

You'll notice--and it probably is no surprise--that the responses to this question, thus far, are quite varied. Either they ignore the question (e.g. "Do you believe that Joseph Smith found a magic book that only he could read using magic glasses that he then misplaced?") or they're a recitation of philosophical differences (e.g. "Every religion is a cult," "Every theistic religion is a lie, some are more obvious than others. Your religion was started by a known huckster and fraud," "..."cults usually isolate their members, discourage free thought or dissension and demand adherence to a doctrine.")

I think the best answers so far--at least the most honest ones--are the ones from Pytr Pytr and Project Vetta. Their answers don't seem to smack of personal agendas.

Asking this question really just opens a can of worms: everyone has their own way of expressing why they dislike something they don't really understand.

Why do Mormons get called a cult? In my experience, it's usually either because of ignorance, technicalities, or deceit.

Ignorance because people don't really know what they believe (and understand the context and how it fits together). This often gets applied to "religion" as a whole ("I think you believe in fairytales and worship an imaginary being, therefore I'll label you as a "cultist" because obviously you're a brainwashed zealot.")

Technicalities like the one Pytr Pytr mentioned are often solid ground because they're easier to defend with commonly accepted definitions. Ironically, they can be applied to non-religious groups as well (e.g. gangs, cliques, and even some families, to say nothing of commercial "cults"). However, the technicalities also don't seem to evaluate the religion within its own context and merits. But it's usually a more honest approach.

Deceit seems to often come from former members who have been disillusioned or disgusted for one reason or other, and don't mind spinning things (especially facts--those do the most damage) in the most egregious ways possible. "Magical underwear" conjures freakish images. Conversely, referring to the "priestly robes of Aaron and his sons"--as found in the Old Testament--seems much more acceptable in Christian vernacular, but won't cause as much of a stir as saying "Magical Underwear" (which Mormon doctrine has never claimed).

Don't expect too many honest answers to this question.


all religions are cults,
I'm sorry that mormons have been picked on recently with this accusation, especially since those who accuse, are most likely members of one of the many christian cults.

And looking at the definition is where anyone should start anytime they are confused about the meaning of a word. Then if they're using it wrong they can choose a more appropriate word.

amongst other things, cults usually isolate their members, discourage free thought or dissension and demand adherence to a doctrine. You can look at the definition for other terms that describe cults.
But I think you can see that most religions qualify, as does the mormon church.

Open Heart Searchery2011-10-21T08:45:30Z

Consider these lists of "warning signs" from Does the LDS church match any of these?

Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe group/leader.

1) Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
2) No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
3) No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
4) Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
5) There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
6) Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
7) There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
8) Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
9) The group/leader is always right.
10) The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

Ten warning signs regarding people involved in/with a potentially unsafe group/leader.
1) Extreme obsessiveness regarding the group/leader resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration.
2) Individual identity, the group, the leader and/or God as distinct and separate categories of existence become increasingly blurred. Instead, in the follower's mind these identities become substantially and increasingly fused--as that person's involvement with the group/leader continues and deepens.
3) Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned it is characterized as "persecution".
4) Uncharacteristically stilted and seemingly programmed conversation and mannerisms, cloning of the group/leader in personal behavior.
5) Dependency upon the group/leader for problem solving, solutions, and definitions without meaningful reflective thought. A seeming inability to think independently or analyze situations without group/leader involvement.
6) Hyperactivity centered on the group/leader agenda, which seems to supercede any personal goals or individual interests.
7) A dramatic loss of spontaneity and sense of humor.
8) Increasing isolation from family and old friends unless they demonstrate an interest in the group/leader.
9) Anything the group/leader does can be justified no matter how harsh or harmful.
10) Former followers are at best-considered negative or worse evil and under bad influences. They can not be trusted and personal contact is avoided.


Every religion is a cult. Every religion has the same potential for abuse and manipulation based on the human desire for understanding about the world around them and a meaning for the often miserable existence we call life. Every theistic religion is a lie, some are more obvious than others. Your religion was started by a known huckster and fraud, but hey who gives a **** right? Its just as culty as catholicism or Seventh day Adventism ( I used to be one). Being called a cult member by other christians should mean much to you. It is the definition of the kettle calling the pot black. Worry more about your improbable beliefs and less what other people think of them. Like me, who gives a **** what I think...


the name of the church speaks volume
the LDS church is called the Church of JESUS Christ of latter day saints.
its not the church of moses, its not the first baptist church of (pick your own city) or its not the church of islame or the religion of the shi ites.
its the church of jesus christ.

there are no less than ten authoritative definitions of what a cult is.
and i think the dictionary has even more.

one definition is the belief in the trinity. true enough! mormons are taught to believe Jesus is the Son of God and God the Father is a different, "separate" personage.
even the bible says they have life separate of each other.

so given this defintion even the bible speaks contradiction to the dogma of the trinity. so, this definition can be excluded.

another definition is that the people of the church worship a man. of course there are hymns of praise to the prophet joseph smith, but most people still address Heavenly Father when they pray, when i say most, i mean there are feminists movement that teach idolatry by praying to the queen of heaven or mother mary. of course that begs the difference between the different popes of other religions and the prophet / president of the LDS church. if a protestant allows the claim for a catholic to be called a christian than he should allow the same freedom of religion to the LDS.


the basic defintion of all christianity is to believe in jesus.
I am a witness of jesus, i have stood in the presense of the lord i was given 3 visions and know that i speak of things which are true. there are many things that are in error, in all religions, jesus said it so himself when He appeared to Joseph smith jr. if this testimony is correctly preserved, and i think it is, Jesus said to joseph smith jr. Dont JOIN any of them, they are all wrong. and then later, the Lord gave revelation and said there are many sins even among the elders of the church, that which they all need to repent of. the same things all christians are guilty, to some degree or anther, for sure. !


my testimony is that i was raised by an atheist mother, in short, i was given a bible, i believed, and i became a literal born again believer. later, i fell to my old transgressions and when i came to sense i desired to know which church to join so that i might be saved from my old transgressions. i was reading the book of corrithians when Paul said desired the gift of prophecy. so i prayed and fasted and when the spirit of revelation came upon me, i asked question and received personal revelations and answers. i asked which church is the true church and i was given prophecies. later i found that the LDS church is the only christian church that teaches the doctrines of plural marriage and temple/eternal marriage. i also made a covenant and consecrated my life to be a witness. pure revelation is what Paul said he was taught. Joseph smith had pure revelation and visitations from angels and patriarchs and apostles. the book of revelation literally testifies/ prophecies that an angel would give to the inhabitants the everlasting gospel , (see rev 14:6) and still people call the "mormon" religion a cult. and still they listen to false traditions and false definitions and bad preachers denying the facts of the bible that totally contradition even dictionary definitions and so-called bible facts.
i found bible facts that contradict the trinity, the use of the doctrine of a trinity to describe God and expose a cult is totally not factual.

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