Re: casualty of 19 soldiers in Basilan of Oct. 19 insight?
The casualty of 10 soldiers in Basilan is no match to that during martial law where big number of casualties in the military side is so great that cadavers of soldiers in wooden coffins were boarded in a ship to Manila and then brown out ensue at unloading. Hence the sending of a well trained team leader to eradicate the rebels on those period. If you have the story would you date publish it so that the military will duplicate the military tactics in order to win? God forgive me for saying so.But for the sake of peace.
we have to argue now wisely or be too late.
Kemjiu ®2011-10-20T10:12:24Z
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The blame on said operation is at the commanding officer itself, if why they plan to apprehend certain person through sending of few soldiers only on the area which known as the zone of MILF and other leftist group, it seems that they take some chances due to coming cease fire talk between the MILF and Philippine government.
There are lots of same occurrences that's happening in the in past, was such lessons not enough kind of proof for them to know that said area is not that easy to penetrate with, some head at Arm Forces of the Philippines must roll in this incident, because no matter what tactics they will going to use, having a number of men is mismatch to those who ambush them, and the big question is, why would a chopper didn't back them up, so sad but there are something fishy I can smell around this.
it illustrates the futility of negotiating with terrorists, the MILF or the Muslim Autonomous Region. in this scenerio, the army was pursuing a few terrorists/rebels/bandits near the muslim autonomous zone, soon the handful turned to hundreds. the army squad is ambushed, AFP army POW prisoners are executed by the terrorists, contrary to the rules of war. afterwards, the MILF claims they are not associated with these terrorists; the MILF claims the AFP army has no authority to even enter the muslim autonomous zone to pursue the terrorists; and the MILF also simultaiously claims criminal immunity for all rebels as they are a legitimate military force under rules of war.
we see from this example how terrorists shift back and forth seamlessly from the more moderate groups such as MILF when they try to negotiate for more power and territory, and to the more radical groups who engage in terrorism, piracy, kidnapping, extortion, ambush, etc whenever it suits them.
thus it is pointless to negotiate with MILF or any other terrorist group, as they have no control over indivudual terrorists, who continue to shift to more radical fringe groups, and continue the same terrorism, after any negotiations are made with any moderate group.
civilians that spontaneously take up arms against the AFP are either terrorists or spies, (which may be executed sumarily?), or official beligerants subject to protection of the rules of war, but also liable for war crimes, including execution of the AFP POWs. All those who participated in the Basilan ambush are just as guilty as the 100 or so Amputan militia members who ambushed and massacred the media/political convoy , imho, soldiers are far more important and valuable than politicans or reporters. so if MILF condones the ambush and execution of the POWs, then all who participated in the ambush, including MILF leadership are war criminals. if MILF dissavows the execution and ambush, then all who participated or supported the terrorists are guilty of murder, just like any other criminal. likewise failure to vigorously uncover and prosecute the criminals would be support of terrorism and accessory to a crime after the fact. If a group of bank robbers kills a bank guard, all of the robbers who participated in the robbery can be charged with murder, not just the one who pulled the trigger. the same theory applies to the Amputan massacre, and also to the most recent Basilan ambush.
under the Sep 11 executive order, the US may block or sieze any property or money of any person or nation, that supports or assists terrorist groups, including Abu Sayef & other filipino based terror groups and affiliates. I wonder if the Philippines has a similar law or proclamation? These laws should also apply to the muslim autonomous region, and thier leaders.
maybe it is time to start taking down names, just like was done in the Amputan case.
subject is under investigation as to why this incident happened. I sense that Pnoy would make a big move if there is indeed a violation of the ceasefire agreement or military heads would be replaced.