During the 2011 World Series is there anything more painful?

than having to listen to Joe Buck and Tim McCarver broadcast the games.


Favorite Answer

It could be worse. The games could be on ESPN with Chris Berman and Stuart Scott calling them.

A New Yorker in Hawaii2011-10-21T17:48:26Z

Yes, there is something more painful in fact. Knowing that once the World Series is over, we'll have to continue suffering through Joe Buck during the rest of the NFL season.

Stella Blue2011-10-22T07:39:10Z

Mornin my sweetie! I hate McCarver myself. More painful? Listening to Dennis Eckersley whine along w/him is about as worse as it can possibly get...


Joe Buck is ok, McCarver is awful.


I wager the single your speaking about isn't, Written contained in the celebs". Its that beat song that I truly have heard previously myself and it really is truly catchy. i have not heard any words contained in the song in spite of the indisputable fact that it sounds like a guitar of a few form and that i will not discover it.

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