How can you wireless stream to HD TV a downloaded movie on my PC?

I have a movie on my Windows PC and wish to view it on my TV. I use a wireless router now for a Laptop PC. Can the same router stream movies?


Favorite Answer

Depends on you TV, some have USB wireless adapters that let you create a home network with other PC's and Laptops in your home, and through the network you can watch movies on you tv. Btw the wireless adapters for them are made special just for the tv not any wireless adapter will work.


An xbox 360 will do the trick as will a PS3. That guy Scev has been misinformed. The March update on Xbox live enables you to stream Mpeg, Divx/xvid and avi's as long as you have media player 11. There is no need for Media Centre edition or Vista, it works on bog standard XP. Other than that his answer is correct. Neil N is also correct.