Have you heard this joke about Forest Gump and St. Peter?

Forest Gump and St. Peter

When Forest Gump died, he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter said, "Welcome, Forest. We've heard a lot about you." He continued, "Unfortunately, it's getting pretty crowded up here and we find that we now have to give people an entrance examination before we let them in."

"Okay," said Forest. "I hope it's not too hard. I've already been through a test. My momma used to say, 'Life is like a final exam. It's hard.' "

"Yes, Forest, I know. But this test is only three questions. Here they are."

1) Which two days of the week begin with the letter 'T'?"

2) How many seconds are in a year?

3) What is God's first name?

"Well, sir," said Forest, "The first one is easy. Which two days of the week begin with the letter 'T'? Today and Tomorrow."

St. Peter looked surprised and said, "Well, that wasn't the answer I was looking for, but you have a point. I give you credit for that answer."

"The next question," said Forest, "How many seconds are in a year? Twelve."

"Twelve?" said St. Peter, surprised and confused.

"Yes, sir. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd …"

St. Peter interrupted him. "I see what you mean. I'll have to give you credit for that one, too."

"And the last question," said Forest, "What is God's first name? It's Andy."

"Andy?" said St. Peter, in shock. "How did you come up with 'Andy'?"

"I learned it in church. We used to sing about it." Forest broke into song, "Andy walks with me, Andy talks with me, Andy tells me I am His own."

St. Peter opened the gate to heaven and said, "Run, Forest, Run!"

Time and Chance Eccl 9: 112011-10-22T15:29:43Z

Favorite Answer

yeah, nice one. Did you also hear the one about the guy who turned up at the pearly gates with a rucksack full of gold bars?

When he was asked by Saint Peter the man said he had obtained special permission from God to bring the gold bars with him.

Bemused, Saint Peter scratched his head and said, "I wonder why we need any more pavement?"

it's good to know we serve a good God with a sense of humour.

God bless <)))><


Forest Gump Jokes


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Have you heard this joke about Forest Gump and St. Peter?
Forest Gump and St. Peter

When Forest Gump died, he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter said, &quot;Welcome, Forest. We&#39;ve heard a lot about you.&quot; He continued, &quot;Unfortunately, it&#39;s getting pretty crowded up here and we find that we now have to give...


Yes I had actually heard that one in church, the pastor was showing that there is no final examination when we get to our judgment, we are all doing that test now and our judgment will be just the same as giving us our final mark. You with the Sheep, the rest with the goats.

Another pastor used similar statements to show that while a bible verse may look like it says just one thing, you need to look at all scripture to see that it really does mean what you believe.

As with Forrest only 12 seconds in a year is totally correct but not was was intended by the question.

Romans 6:7 For he who died has been justified from sin, totally true for Christians, but investigation by reading the context of the verse shows the "death" spoken on in this case is a symbolic death and not a literal death as the whole passage is all about people dying to their old sinful self and being born again as a sin free Christian. If it was about a literal death then Paul would have been taliking to dead people and the bible forbids that.


Martin, I have heard it before but I think the last question was different. I like this one too.

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