And on the menu tonight ......?

Rump Steak, Green Peppercorn sauce
Grilled (Muniere) Barramundi, fresh from local supplier, Tartare and Lemon wedges.
Gourmet potatoes, steamed.
Pilaf rice with diced capsicum and julienne chilli, (deseeded) stock from the roast chicken frames last night.
Spinach and Ricotta Ravioli, with Nap sauce
Vegetable strudels, left over roast veg and stir fry.
Steamed Broccoli
Peach cobbler and Custard.
This is for 75 guys, anna few girls.. in a remote mining camp in the Kimberley Western Australia.
Am i awesome or what? Am I spoiling them?
We have to provide a vegetarian option, rice and pasta, I usually try and combine the vego with the rice or the pasta, or it just goes in the bin. But strudel has pastry, so they will eat it!
I'm trying to recycle food, using up leftovers, that is food I've made but not served, can't reuse food that's been served.
rate me and win... Nothing! Well maybe a quick 10 points?


We could always use another Chef! 12 hour days, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off Fly in fly Out from Perth, or Darwin $80k plus super...

Mama Jazzy Geri2011-10-23T22:37:12Z

Favorite Answer

I'm blown away with your menu and the wonderful choices available. The people eating this wonderful food must go to sleep with smiles on their faces. :) Pass the Vegemite ! to tell the truth I've never tried it but heard it's a favorite there. :) After reading your post a couple times I can tell they are blessed to have someone with your great talent and care you give to these hardworking miners. To keep them fed with a variety of foods that is a benefit for their health shows you have the knowledge and experience. Best wishes to you in your career Sir Chef!


Your line item "Grilled (Muniere) Barramundi, fresh from local supplier, Tartare and Lemon wedges." confuses me. In my experience seafood muniere is cooked in a butter sauce, that is then blackened, and served over the fish (grilling is not a traditional option). Tartare is a sometimes marinated cubed or minced uncooked fish or meat dish, optimally served iwth coarse ground pepper and a raw egg on top.
Steamed gourmet potatoes is an oxymoron in my vocabulary, generally gourmet implies a more complecated processing or saucing then you indicate.

I would really like to know if there is this large a gap between my U.S. understanding of your descriptors, or if you're a pretender.


Yep, you're pretty darned fantastic! Ever coming to the States? :)
