Should we arrest or even shoot flag burners on site?

How important is it for USA haters to burn a flag rather than move to a new country?


Favorite Answer

no not shoot them just beat the hell out of them


Considering the United States Flag Code states that is the preferred way to destroy the flag...

Dirk Douwes2011-10-24T13:33:38Z

I think it's different respecting your country and respecting your government. When they burn the flag because they hate the government there is no problem with that. American was founded on such resistance why do you think the tea party is called the tea party? I am not supporting any particular political stances here just making the point that we should always question what the government is doing and what it has done. If you have ever read slaughterhouse five the author compares it to lots wife looking back on sodom And Gomorra. He doesn't take gods view though.


Easiest way to deal with this is to use propaganda. The power of media is more deadly and more justified than any bullet. Video tape them. Get thier name, where they live, all thier information on tape and put that right on youtube. It may be thier freedom to do this, but it's your freedom to make it public to the rest of the world. One of the main reason's people repeat offenses is because when they went to jail, the public did not know about thier crime's. If that person was forced to wear a shirt every day that says "I burn my countries flag" or "I'm a rapist" they will never get a job, if they have children they will be despised by them and they will become a's a terrible life and because they can't keep thier misdeed privatized, they will be less likely to openly do it again because of social pressre, guilt and negativity following them, wherever they go.

Nick Mitchell2011-10-24T13:43:50Z

They have every right to protests however they wish. If they wanna burn a United States flag, let them. Just move on. However, if they are burning a flag anywhere near a building - arrest them. You don't want the buildings being lit on fire.

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