If our politicians had never passed laws requiring us to pay taxes, would you send them money anyway?

Of course not! Nobody would!

So, why do I continually see people complaining that Warren Buffet isn't taking it on himself to send the government half of what he makes? His pointing out that the system is flawed is reasonably remarkable for someone in his position, taking advantage of the flaws helps drive home the point.

What's your opinion?


Favorite Answer

Warren Buffet is no fool. He knows what he is talking about. There is no way the economy is ever going to make a come back if we destroy the middle class here and abroad.

If you have ever played Monopoly before. You will realize that the game ends when one person holds all the money. OK isn't that what is happening in an Oligarchic way right now? The 1% hold practically all the money. So soon the game will be over and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Leslie Goudy2011-10-29T23:50:24Z

You are right. He is making a point. He actually draws attention to himself when all the lying banksters pretend to be broke and turn around and have the Fed Backstop their Derivatives. Keep asking questions like this. We need more of them. Wait till you see all the Banking Shills that answer this. Not the ones above me because they are cool and believe what they say but anything else where they call you out. Be assured it is a bankster or a neocon Lobbyist on YA Trust me on this


If the services taxes pay for, such as roads, law enforcement, firefighters, etc, can't be paid for... that'll get complained about fast. Long BMV lines, overcrowded jails? Lots of complaints.
The high crime rates caused by slashing assistance to the poor? Huge complaining on that!

Bottom line:
No one wants to pay taxes.
But we need the services they provide.
So when you complain about a pot hole or a long line at the social security office, you're really complaining about low taxes.


because he is the only one saying the government should take more of his money

if the govt hadn't passed a law requiring us to pay taxes, I wouldn't pay them, and I sure as heck wouldn't complain that they didn't take enough from me

The point is, no one is stopping Buffet fro giving the govt more money, so when he complains they don't take enough, it sounds asinine, because there is an address where he can send MORE MONEY!