Is this another sign of the "falling away" that the Apostle Paul prophesied about?
2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
A Protestant church in California is coming under fire from some Christians over its upcoming conference featuring "guided meditations" by a high priestess of the pagan fertility goddess Isis.
The fifth annual "Faith and Feminism Conference" taking place Nov. 11–13 is being hosted by the Ebenezer Lutheran Church in San Francisco, which bills itself as "herchurch."
Among the scheduled participants is Loreon Vigne, high priestess of Isis Oasis – a temple, retreat and animal sanctuary Vigne founded in 1978 in Geyserville, Calif.
"I personally see Isis as Mother Nature," Vigne told WND, "and that she encompasses everything with her wings. She's a winged goddess. She encompasses any other goddess from any culture."
Ms Maven2011-10-31T07:47:36Z
Favorite Answer
Hi Martin, I am not at all sure if this is part of the falling away, but it sure seems like it to me. This church may not have missed the boat, but has certainly jumped ship somewhere along the way in favor of its own destination.
Soooo......If you changed "protestant" to "catholic" and changed "Isis" to "Mary" but kept all the activity the same, there'd be nothing salient about any of this, correct?
After constantine imposed Christian iconography onto Roman paganism, the paganism remained unchanged, but the names were changed to protect the innocent. This is, of course, Roman Catholicism as we know it today - Christianized paganism.
Protestantism came out of Roman Paganism (Catholicism) which is a good thing, but the didn't come all the way. Thus, the pagan roots linger, sadly. While this is a very sad apostacy, it also acts as an evident clarifier of what was already true: most of the high church tradition in Catholicism and protestantism is nothing more than pagan.
This is actually a good thing. The reason is that those of us who have followed the historic Biblical faith from Christ through the dark ages, which never mixed with Roman Paganism, therefore never had a need to come out, this stuff is old news. But the Christianization of the paganism can be very deceptive and confusing for those who simply don't know any better. This type of behavior isn't going to make lost people any more lost than they already are, but it will help clarify the lines of doubt and confusion between Biblical Christianity and Christianized paganism. I'd rather draw a line in the sand and have a clearer picture of exactly who still needs to be saved, rather than have the wheat and the tares growing together indescriminately under the same umbrella.
You are right on, Martin. The Lutheran church I belonged to was starting that "Mother God" nonsense, but it was so subtle, no one seemed to notice for a long time. Meanwhile, I was having nightmares over those and other things I noted. I was blessed by God to find a church that broke away from that sect and kept the traditional meaning of the Bible as the good Lord intended. I am pleased and gratified that others have noted this as well. I suppose that kind of "rebellion" has gone on for a long time.
As Paul was no better informed than Christ when it came to knowing the date of the end, he gave us those thoughts, he did not know what would happen first, but he knew it would happen.
In regard to a church with any name or background teaching things from Satan will have nothing to do with the coming of the end times.
You call it a Protestant Church, I say that is just by name, it is still not a Christian church.
Yes, it certainly is. This is a "church" that hasn't even come to grips with the First Commandment, not to have any other gods.
There are mainstream "churches" that promote killing babies in the womb, ordaining proud homosexuals, and making marriage meaningless. Needless to say, these organizations are inimical to Christianity.
As Jesus said, "If the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch."