whats the deal with dogs and chocolate?


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Its poisonous due the theobromine in the chocolate. It also contains caffeine which is not good for dogs either. The level of poisoning also depends on the type of chocolate. A dark chocolate or bakers chocolate have more theobromine in it and as a result is more poisonous. White chocolate has much less so it is "safer" for the dog to eat.How a dog reacts depends on amount ingested and how much a dog weights.


I'm not completely sure. I've read it is poisonous, so have never let my dogs go near it.

However my neighbour's Alsation eats Dairy Milk chocolate on a regular basis and is always fine, and my Aunt's westie once ate a whole packet of chocolate biscuits by accident and was completely fine.

On the other hand my partner's parents once had a bull mastiff, it ate a huge chocolate easter egg by accident and they had to take it to the vet straight away because it got very ill. It didn't die, but still...it was in a bad way.

To be on the safe side I just wouldn't give them chocolate :-) I give my dogs special doggy chocolate which they like :-)


Dogs can't eat chocolate because of the theobromine contained in it, which is toxic to them. However, white chocolate has a very low amount of theobromine in it so in small amounts I imagine they'd be fine with it. It's the same with cats.


Chocolate is slightly poisonous for dogs to eat.


be very careful with chocolate! dogs love it but a tablet can kill them ! So just a tiny peace , and not too often.

ha ha , just jelous cause the answer is short and precise

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