Favorite band/artist from your home state/country, that hasn't permanently disbanded?

I really enjoy Absu, who hail from my home state of Texas. Really amazing blackened thrash band that incorporates all sorts of different styles into their music, I'd recommend them to anyone who enjoys extreme metal.

BQ: What do you think of their latest release?

I have to say that Abzu is my second favorite Absu album after Tara. It's a catchy and memorable blackened thrash album, and a great metal album in general (one of the best of the year in my opinion) and the production is incredible, raw yet polished (if that makes any sense) and the last song, which clocks in at 14:26, is by far one of the best extreme metal songs I've heard in a while.


Favorite Answer

Burzukh from Islamabad. Just some nice, trippyish black metal

BA: It was weird. More ambient rock rather than BM. Didn't like it much

I didn't like Abzu much either. Lacks a lot of that epic feel that the band used to have on Tara and before, much like their self titled. It's not bad or anything, it's just not very interesting.


I suppose Bon Iver is the first to come to mind. I can't really think of any other Wisconsinite artists, although I do enjoy his work very much. He has a very natural feel to his music that's totally cool.

BQ: His self-titled album is one of the better releases in a very strong year thus-far.


Here in Massachusetts my favorite local band would have to be Gang Green. Just a simple hardcore outfit that did some speed metal and crossover occasionally. MA isn't great for bands in my opinion. =/


Iron Maiden, English


While they're not my favorite band from Minneapolis, I'm glad to see The Jayhawks are still going.

BQ: I liked it, certainly not the best album of their career, but it's nice to have Mark Olson back in the band.

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