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Jeremy Mayfield arrested for possession of methanphetamines...




They also seized 50 guns...!/CopaCavanna/status/131759089360437249/photo/1


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No, my question was about my cat


I was just about to post this after seeing it on Jayski. They went in on a search warrant off of a tip of stolen goods, but they ended up finding Meth and also items the think is stolen. They have to verify that the items are stolen though, until then it's just Meth charges. I guess in every group you gotta have at least 1 bad apple, and well this is one of NASCAR's.


Wow just saw that on Jaysky, well there is no doubt now I guess. Hate this always liked Jeremy, NASCAR was right.


I am liking Jeremy's new hairstyle. I think it will help make him more marketable in today's economy, which should help him get some sponsorship and be back on the track in 2012. It's all those little things these days, haircuts and how you dress, you know, they go a long way. I'd like to see him at Hendricks.


All that stuff was his wife's ! Jeremy just got arrested for it, or he was just holding the stuff for a Friend.............

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