Would you watch a Horror Movie startting Michael Cera and Rebecca Black?

So I have to do a project for my Photoshop class that is a movie poster.
I'm thinking a Horror movie based off a picture I saw online starring Michael Cera (because he's one of my favorite actors) and Rebecca Black (because she's an awesome singer!)

So what do you think?


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Anything with Michael Cera would automatically be a comedy to me.
I couldn't see him in anything dramatic/horror


I think most people would watch a horror movie starring Rebecca Black just to see her die.

Some Random Girl2011-11-02T15:45:36Z

Poor Michael Cera.... I don't want to see him die :,(

Rebecca Black's a different story, though...


I'd watch a horror movie with anyone in it.
To kill them off would be fun.


to see cera get all awkward with her and then chop her the f up

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