Friend has to many pets to adopt a child?

I have a friend that has applied to adopt a child. I don't think she should adopt. Because, she has to many pets, and her house always smells like pee. You can smell the pee, even when your knocking on her door outside. I no longer want to visit her home. Because, I smell like animals after I leave her home. She has seven cats, and three dogs. She has two rottweilers and one shepard. I have talked to her of the amount of animals in her home. And how all the fur can cause a baby to get sick. She seems so oblivious to what I say.

What is your opinion Yahoo?


Favorite Answer

she rlly shoodn't b qualified to adopt- most likely the poor child she gains custody of will get whooping cough or asthma or something with the respiratory system.


Yeah, that's just gross, I would not want any baby to grow up in a house like that.


get rid of the frikin pets ughh tht person is such a scum eww i cannot ever be like that person ughh