R&P: I'm about to check out for the night?

Going to fall asleep to the soothing sounds of Skepticism. Specifically their album Stormcrowfleet. Do any of you have albums/songs/bands you put on when you're trying to fall asleep?

smile [dontcha mess with cupid]2011-11-03T03:00:31Z

Favorite Answer

I'm oddly picky about music I fall asleep to. I have to like it enough to keep listening, but not like it so much that it becomes anything other than background noise. That or it has to be really...chill. Like Stoner Metal works well. Uh, David Bowie's Low...some Hanoi Rocks.
Oh, and some of Peter Murphy's solo work. I like it, and it's relaxing to listen to.


The Stooges cranked to 11.

