Would this outfit work? (pics)?

would the following outfit work?


plus gray imitation uggs. with black leggings or nylons? if you disagree, what would be a good alternative? btw.. this would be an outfit for SCHOOL. so no high heels.


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go with the nylons or pantyhose for surre.


try to find black tights with a pattern on it. For example flower or paisley..you can find them at target, forever21 pretty much anywhere at the mall and wear flats with it.


looks good, but i would recommend:

black tights - leggings may look a bit heavy
some colorful jewelry
AND a beige suede coat with fur trim.
eg. http://www.next.co.uk/g857254s2
http://www.missselfridge.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=33055&storeId=12554&productId=2566916&langId=-1&categoryId=&searchTerm=suede coat&pageSize=40&refinements=Colour{1}~[beige]

oh and some biege flats. if you are going to stick with the uggs, then a light grey coat!


Try white leggings and any-colored flats. Adding some colored jewelry would be a good idea, too.


Yes! Perfect choice. I'd use boots with fish nets with it. And a silver necklace.

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