Can you help me fix the picture on my monitor?
I recently ran PCmatic on my computer and had it fix some things to make it run better. I've used it before and never had any problems. But this time it seems to have made changes to my monitor settings.
The resolution is changed, and now things don't fit the way they used to. I've been to the "View" tab and raised the zoom rate. I've used the buttons on the monitor to set it back to factory settings. I've right clicked my desktop and tried every resolution setting in the "Display Settings". Nothing will put it back to the way it was before.
The biggest thing that frustrates me is that things that open in pop ups don't fill the whole pop up anymore. Example: I play texas holdem on pogo sometimes. When I click on a game room it opens in a pop up. The game room used to fill the whole pop up box, but now it only fills a portion of the top left corner of it.
I'm hoping one of you computer geniuses can set me straight. Otherwise I guess I try my luck at a system restore. Any info will be MUCH appreciated.
I'm running VISTA.
PCMatic updated the driver for my video card when it made it's fixes. maybe I need to restore back to before that happened?
Thanks everyone. And you're right, E Man....a lot of the time Vista is crap. Anyway, I restored it back to just before the video card driver update and everything is back to normal.